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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 444

Christopher nearly choked on his own spit.

He spat hard and asked, "What made you think that I would cooperate with you last time?"

The cooperation between the two began with Tiffany. At the time, Shane had been hypnotised, but quickly, he learned to combat it and took up the skill himself. He had used his new-learned hypnosis skills on Christopher. However, he did not force Christopher to listen to his orders. Instead, he had made Christopher tell him everything the Fuller family had done. Shane had told him about his own unhappy childhood in return.

If there hadn’t been a spy, it would be impossible for Christopher to escape, let alone not get caught until now.

No one would suspect that Shane, who appeared to be planning Christopher's demise, was the spy. As such, while the cooperation between the two was surprising, it was less dangerous.

"You either cooperate with me or die."

"I just didn't think that you would be so miserable. The pet rabbit you gave Augustus was even eaten by him! Your father's a b*stard for letting such a thing happen."

In front of Shane, Christopher didn't need to pretend to be gentle. He didn't need to be elegant or easy-going. He could act like himself in front of Shane. After all, the man was his brother.

Shane helped him put a bandage on his cut and said, "He's not just my father, he's ours."

"No, he's not! I refuse to have a monster like him as my father." Christopher pursed his lips.

Shane put the rest of the bandages back into the medical kit, got up, and kicked away the beer bottles. "You've been injured, it's best if you stop drinking for a few days. If not, your wound might not close up. It'll hurt much more if you don't let it heal properly."

Christopher scoffed. "Wouldn't you be glad if I died? You were planning to kill me anyway."

"I wasn’t planning to use Augustus's plan on you."

"Then who are you planning it for? Do you have other enemies?" Christopher was curious.

"You’ll get to read all about it in the papers soon enough."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Tell Avery and Charlotte that I've invited you out for dinner. Have them stay with you the entire time, that's all I ask."

"And when will that be?" 'TH tell you later."

Christopher took a deep breath and leaned back into his chair. "Well, I'll look forward to reading the news later. I wonder who it could be..."

After that, Shane picked up his suit and said, "I'm going to head out first."


He was gone just like that.

Christopher looked outside the window.

Everyone loved Shane.

No one knew that deep down, Christopher needed love too.

They have given all their love to Shane.

"I don’t know if I should love or hate this ability of his."

Christopher muttered to himself.

After Charlotte returned home, she felt that there was something very strange about the entire situation.

The main concern she had was that Christopher's attitude was too nonchalant. He didn't seem to care about how Shane treated him. He only wanted to vent his anger to her just now. She could feel that this particular anger was not even directed at Shane, but at the Fuller family.

If she remembered correctly, whenever Christopher mentioned anything that had to do with Shane before, he would sound hateful. However, when they had talked about him just now, he spoke of Shane just like he would any other person, with no strong emotions attached to his words. It did not sound like he harboured any hatred for Shane anymore.

Just as she was contemplating this, her phone rang.

"I have something to tell you," Avery said in a dull tone.

"What's wrong?"

"I already know what you and Christopher were chatting about today. You don't have to update me about that. I just want to tell you something else about him. He knows everything about us. It seems that someone on our side has been spying on us for him. He even admitted to it, and proved it by telling me some details about our situation right now. He even knows that Irena didn't die."

"How can that be possible! Nathan has already secured all the communicative channels! News about Irena shouldn’t have gotten out at all! Even Irena's parents don't know about this.”

"So he's not lying to us then. There must be a spy among us."

Charlotte was silent.

After a while, Avery said, "That's not all. I suspect that Shane is going to kill Christopher. I got the news today that Shane has been seen around the building where Augustus died in. But I couldn't find out which floor he went to. He must be setting everything up."

"He's really going to..." Charlotte was upset.

She really didn't want Shane to do anything stupid.

"We'd better find a way to get closer to Christopher."

Charlotte nodded her head.

It was the right thing to do.


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