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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 451

"No problem," Charlotte replied. "Remember to tell me if there is a city with great scenery. I'll go visit you guys in the future."

"Of course."

Both of them were silent, then Rick said softly, "I'll hang up first."

"All right."

Silence descended until Rick finally ended the call. He put down his phone and lit a cigarette. It pained Kendall to see him like this. "You care about her so much. Why don't you tell her that you want to take her with you, too? I'm sure she'd agree."

"There's no need. I know she will still believe in Shane, just like you believe in me."

Kendall pouted and said, "I, too, want a companion. Besides, isn't it dangerous to be with Shane after what he's done? I heard that at least 30 people were admitted to the ICU. The hospital was operating beyond its capacity and had to send them to different hospitals. Many members of the Fuller Family have returned from abroad because of this."

Shane just wanted to take lives.

"They won't die. They will be in a vegetative state at most." Rick said with a serious look, "That's why Shane has become so terrifying. He has planned every step to the last detail — even the damages sustained by the other party."

"So." Kendall hugged herself tightly. "Granted that I said I'll love you no matter what, if you did something like this, I would still be afraid. This is too inhumane."

"Don't worry about them and sleep well."

Kendall nodded and slipped under the covers. "I'll always listen to our handsome Rick."

Rick smiled and kissed between her brows. "Good night, Princess Kendall."

Kendall fell into a contented sleep. Rick looked at her face and thought that sometimes, he didn't know if he should thank Kendall or Charlotte. Both of them were indispensable and brought color to his life. Maybe he should thank himself. He didn't choose to give up on Kendall at the most critical moment. In short, everything was just right and he must cherish it.

The news about Rick leaving soon reached Avery. And he didn't hear it from Rick, but rather, Peter told him.

Avery snarled that Rick was disloyal, but he didn't pick up his phone to call Rick. He knew why Rick didn't tell him. In everyone's eyes, he was Shane and Charlotte's confidante. If Rick were to sway him against Shane, that would mean throwing the gauntlet to Shane.

Avery tried contacting Shane, but he didn't receive any response from him. He tried Charlotte, but she didn't answer the phone.

Forget it.

Avery decided not to get involved in this matter. Just as he was about to turn off his phone and sleep, a servant knocked on the door and announced that there was a Mr. Gibson downstairs to see him.

Who else could that be besides Christopher?

Avery put on a windbreaker and went downstairs.

Christopher was seriously injured with bloodstains all over his body. Avery wasn't planning to tend to him. Instead, he took a seat on the sofa with his arms crossed, "What's the matter? Did you brawl with Shane?"

"It's an ambush. Shane went downstairs and didn't know what happened. Save him, please save him," Christopher rasped the last three words with great difficulty. "Only you can save Shane. He came from abroad for his controlling shares in the company." "Oh? Why do I have to save him? And why did you

come to me instead of Charlotte?"

Christopher was silent.

"I'm not Rick, I can't understand your hemming and hawing. You either get out now, or explain yourself clearly."

"We can talk about what happened between Shane and me later. You can do whatever you want to me, but lives are at stake now."

"You want to talk about human lives? When you gathered all your relatives together and set them on fire, why didn't you think their lives were important? I didn't expect both of you to join hands. Christopher, your acting is terrific. Really, I thought you were sworn enemies with Shane that day, but a few days later, his archenemy had become his partner in crime."

Christopher didn't give an explanation.

Avery sneered, "Don't let the door hit you on your way out."


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