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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 65

Under the butler's lead, Charlotte strolled through a flower garden chock- full of sunflowers, then a long corridor, followed by another hall planted with an array of different flowers, and finally arrived at the living room of the mansion.

The journey itself took about 20 minutes.

The grand designs struck Charlotte with awe and she couldn't stop gasping.

However, when she saw the interior design of the living room and its furnishing, the air was knocked out of her lungs.

She couldn't believe her eyes. It was such a resplendent and lavish scene. This was comparable to the grand hall of a palace!


While Charlotte remained marveling at the sight, Sheryl appeared out of nowhere. She wrapped herself around Charlotte's leg and looked up at her with a wide grin.

Charlotte lowered her head to find her daughter with her hair styled into luscious curls that draped behind her. A diamond tiara rested atop her little head and she donned a

white layered princess gown. On her tiny feet was a pair of pink leather shoes.

She had transformed into a pretty little princess.

"Sheryl, who dressed you up?" asked Charlotte as she squatted down to Sheryl’s eye level.

In the morning, she had clothed Sheryl in a T-shirt and shorts.

Where did she get this change of clothes in the blink of an eye?

"Hehe, it's Mr. Handsome," she let out a crisp giggle. Then, she took Charlotte's hand in hers and said, "Mommy, come with me."

She allowed her daughter to drag her along, but curiosity still got the best of her. "Sheryl, where are you bringing me?"

Now that she was thrown into this huge place, she felt a tinge of fear for the embarrassment that would ensue if she were to lose her way.

Sheryl didn't bother answering her mother's question. Instead, she took big steps as she walked deeper into the labyrinth of a house. Finally, they stopped in front of the second door along the corridor.

"Mommy, do you know what’s inside? Take a guess!"

Charlotte shook her head. "No idea."

With a mysterious smile, Sheryl heaved the thick door open.

It was a child’s room with a pink theme.

The room was about 100 square meters big and filled with numerous toys of all sorts, including a slide in the corner and a swing next to it, as well as a trampoline situated near the center of the room. You would find almost every toy a child would love!

As if that was not opulent enough, the bed was also modeled off the shape of a merry-go- round horse. It hung from the ceiling, which enabled it to sway back and forth.

Charlotte stood rooted to the spot as she gaped at the sight. This was no different from a mini amusement park!

By now, Sheryl had already run to the slide and begun scaling the ladder.


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