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SOULS novel Chapter 5

“Please tell me this is not happening" her head began to sweat like hell once she saw that the man who was talking the packages inside his home wad Liam.

“That’s what I was talking about. Now tell me, is it the Satan meeting that’s going on there?” Jammy pinched Ava in brag about what surprise he had for her.

“This is the worst nightmare holy devil" Ava exclaimed and sighed at her fate. She was hell bound on ignoring her unacceptable feeling and then this happens. How could she even keep him out of mind if she was to see him everyday!!!

“What happened to you all of a sudden?? Please don’t tell me that he doesn’t meet your high standards and you’re taking his influence on you as infatuation” Jammy had some clue about what was going on in Ava’s mind and that was exactly what she was going to say to him. There was no way she was going to let anything in the world unveil her secret be it a silly crush!!!

“Oh yeah buddy, that’s what’s happening and he’s not my choice" she grinned at him contemptuously and went downstairs only to see that her parents were all set to welcome the new neighbours for a dinner that night itself.

“Why the heck do you guys want to hurry up things?? They just shifted and shouldn’t we give them some time?” Ava bawled at her parents and they were confused with her reaction.

“And we thought he was the guys Jammy talked about" her dad James looked at new with a skeptical eyes and Ava gulped down her nervousness.

“That’s not happening” She again exclaimed her final decision on them and they also stood wondered by her words.

“She told me the same dad. I think your daughter will die a virgin and you guys will have to rely on me to see your future grandchild" Jammy also came downstairs and tossed himself onto the couch as told that to their parents and Ava’s jaws dropped hearing his theory. Whom to blame, he revenge saga gave the same ending in every birth and she remained loveless and a virgin for whole time she was alive!!!

“Dude. How could you say that?” Ava screamed at him in embarrassment and a knock on the door distracted them from their feud.

“Get the doors Ava" Lela told her from the kitchen and she obey it as a good girl and took the door and it was none other than Liam. She was exposed and there was no way she could excuse herself from it!!!

“Ava. You live here?” Liam was wonderstruck on seeing her at the door and his blue eyes were fixed on hers like everything else had vanished.

“Uhm...yeah. This is my home and I see that you’re our new neighbours” she grinned blankly and he smiled at her. That smile was so powerful that it struck her heart and it turned on her blood to a bolting hit!!

“Oh, I didn’t know that but lucky us" he chuckled knowing they were neighbours and his red face clearly showed how euphoric he was on knowing that. It was a pure coincidence.

“Uh yeah...wait why are you here? I mean...” the situation jumped into a pretty awkward pace for Ava and she trued to avoid it and so did Liam who had forgotten the reason he came for when he met her.

“Yeah bout that. Can I borrow a scissors? I couldn’t find mine anywhere in between all those stuffs" he asked her and she quickly went to the kitchen to grab one.

“Hey, Liam. Why don’t you come in and have some coffee. And call your mom also” Lela called him in from the kitchen and Liam wasn’t expecting that invitation and Ava was stunned as she didn’t want that to happen.




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