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Spurned Luna's Return: On Your Knees, Alpha Chase! novel Chapter 8

Finally able to get into her room, she crashed to the floor like a bag of grain. She stretched her right hand towards the bag that contained those special leaves, but her hand couldn’t reach it.

Her chest felt tight, her whole body felt like someone was roasting her.

For a moment, all she could see was red. Tears flowed down her eyes along with mucus from her nose.

She coughed out blood several times.

“Why? Why? Why? Why me? Haven’t I suffered enough? How could you deceive me, Pamela? Is pain the only thing I’m worth experiencing? What sin did I commit? Why…” she thought.

“Pull yourself together, Lavana. We have another mate. He’ll love us as his life. Yes, I made a mistake, but it doesn’t mean I can’t be trusted. Lavana, the pain I feel is even more than you.”

“Shut it! What do you know? How could you deceive me? You gave me fat hope, and that Chase turned out to be my mate? This joke isn’t funny!”

“Look, I’m not the one to decide our mate. But I have this feeling that our true mate is out there looking for us. He can help you exact the revenge you always dreamed of.”

“Just shut it, Pamela.” she blocked her wolf from speaking.

“No, I can’t stay here anymore. I can’t. I have to leave tonight or die here.” she determined and got into a crawling position. She was able to reach the bag by crawling forward.

She then turned around and crawled out of her room with the bag hung on her shoulder.

She saw the beautiful starry sky and felt the night breeze, but it wasn’t enough to cool her temperature down nor ease the pain she felt all over her body.

She crawled towards the stream.

This was her only way out of the pack.


She finally reached the stream after what felt like an eternity.

She looked behind her.

“Ralton pack, I will pay you back in your own coin.” she crawled into the stream and when she was deep enough, she dived in and swam towards the stream bed.

Her transformation into merform began. It wasn’t as painful as it was the first time.

She looked at the surrounding after shifting. She'd never swam with her tail before, but she had ideas about what to do after watching the fishes moving.

Their tails were structured, so they'd move their tails sideways. But her tail was like the right whale. So it meant it was to move vertically (up and down).

She stretched her hands forward and tried to move her tail, but it didn't work.


She should have practiced before now, but who knew she would leave today?

While she was thinking of what else to try, her tail started moving on its own when she thought of going left.

"Wow! So it's just like legs. Wherever I think of going, it will obey and take me there. This is cool." she thought in wonderment.

She placed her hands behind her and started swimming, about to get used to her tail. Soon enough, she decided the way to go and started swimming forward. Away from the Ralton pack!

It was going to be long before she would find a safe place, but she had to leave now or never.

She felt at peace underwater. No one was going to harm her in here. She waved at the fishes as she swam past them.

"Just look at them; different species and they are so beautiful. I bet they are awed by my tail too." she thought.

She picked up some fruits that seemed edible. She would eat them along the way.


At the party, Alpha Blake sensed someone had left the pack and called off the party earlier.

He sent some pack warriors to find who had left.

It was the punching bag.

"Go get her back." he ordered.

"Aye, Alpha!" the four chosen warriors chorused and spread out.

"That stupid girl wants to leave? It's not that easy. Besides, where has my boy been all this time? Is he still discouraged from not finding his mate?" he turned to the direction of Chase's home. Yeah, even though he wasn't the Alpha yet, he deserved his own space.


He knocked on the door of Chase's home, but he had fallen asleep in the bathtub.

Alpha Blake broke the door and headed straight into his son's bedroom.

He knocked four times but still no answer.

"Chase? Chase?" he forced the door open before he heard a voice from the bathroom.

"Dad, I'm okay. I've taken medicine and decided to take a bath. Who knew I'd fall asleep here?"

The bathroom door opened, and Chase came out in a yellow bathrobe.

"Dad, why were you worried? Did something happen?" he asked as he sat on his large, comfy bed.

"Nothing vital. Just the trophy is trying to escape. She'll be captured back soon enough. Let's not worry about that. Anyway, you are fine and that's all that matters. I'll go look after your worried mum. Don't think too much. Your mate will naturally find her way to you and you'll feel it's worth the wait." he patted his son and hugged him.

"Thank you, dad." Chase whispered and his father broke the hug.

"Anything for my boy." Alpha Blake smiled and left the room, not forgetting to close the door behind him.

After confirming that his father had left for real, he sighed and took off his bathrobe.

There was a scar that appeared near his heart and it freaking hurt even before he touched it. Maybe it was because he had rejected her? He shifted into his wolf and went out for a run.

Maybe he could also find her and get her to reject him, so both will have the same scar. He couldn't be the only one!

Looking at the starry sky, he was unhappy.

Why would the moon goddess mate him with a rubbish? This is a super sick joke! He must be the unluckiest wolf then.

He shook his fur and stretched before running into the woods.

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