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Still Wanna Escape After Stealing My Heart? novel Chapter 138

Having stepped out of the room now, Sabrina made her way into the elevator, where she collapsed as it descended.

The tears that were flowing down her face would not stop.

Nigel had been the only remaining sliver of warmth in her life. Even in her wildest imaginations, Sabrina would never have thought that Nigel would treat her like that. When she walked past a rubbish bin, Sabrina threw out the syringe of chicken blood she held just now without stopping, with the same dispirited expression on her face. 1

She felt very nauseous the moment she exited the club, and so vomited at a flower shrub that was hidden in a remote corner.

As she cleaned herself up, without meaning to, she overheard someone talking.

Sabrina looked over at the direction of the person she heard, and found a man in black clothes that was shrouded in the shadows, talking to someone on the phone. "Director Horst, are you sure that Conor boy is i n the room on the top floor?”

Sabrina could not make out what was being said on the other end, but managed to hear the man dressed i n black say, "I can get his door open in seconds, don't

worry. I will make sure everything is done without a mess, don't forget to transfer the ten million into my account."

Sabrina was shocked at what she had just overheard. 1

The man lit up a smoke after the call. When Sabrina saw him tidying his outfit and checking his tools, she took the opportunity to turn around and run back inside the club, taking the elevator right back up to the top floor.

When she reached the room Nigel was in, Sabrina pounded frantically at the door, "Open the door, open the door, Young Master Nigel, open the door!"

Meanwhile, the twenty to thirty men and the three girls in the room had already regained some of their composure after the shock from the incident that they witnessed earlier. One of the men there even tried to mock Nigel, "Young Master Nigel, you were so scared earlier. How could that kind of blood be found so easily?"

"Unless she had that sickness herself."

"That's not that possible, she was in there for two years. If she really did have that type of illness, she would have been forced into quarantine!"

Nigel rubbed his chin. "That's true, we were tricked by that country girl!"

Right as he said that, they heard the knocks on the door.

When Nigel realized it was Sabrina, his lips started to form a sinister smile. "This isn't the first time that woman has used this tactic. She was the one who wanted to leave earlier, and now she returned of her own accord! Since she was the one who decided to come back, don’t blame me for being cruel!”

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows. "Nigel!" 1


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