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Still Wanna Escape After Stealing My Heart? novel Chapter 140

"Woman! What is it that you want? Are you trying to suck up to our family now? First, you had a relationship going on with my grandson, Sebastian, and now that you've realised you have no future with him, you’re trying to go for my other grandson? You wild woman, listen here, if you try to seduce another one of my family's men, I'll make sure that you'll meet a sorry end!" Henry, who stood at the front of the group, started to berate Sabrina while pointing his finger at her.

Sabrina's face started to turn white, but she did not show a shred of timidity. "I'm sorry, Old Master Ford, but I’ve never tried to seduce your grandson Sebastian before! The same goes for Nigel!

"I saved Nigel’s life!"

"You? Saved Nigel's life?" A middle aged woman cried out sharply, "If it wasn't for you, would Nigel be in danger in the first place? Wasn't the only reason my Nigel provoked Kenton because of the trouble you caused?

"You barbaric woman! You even crippled Kenton's manhood, is there anything that you’re afraid to do?!

"First it was Sebastian, and now you're going for Nigel, and you even went for that old fart Kenton at some point. Tell me, how many more men are you going to seduce!"

Sabrina bit her lips in anger. "Get out! Please get out! This is my ward!”

As she said that, she reached out her arm to press the emergency bell.

Shortly after, the nurse on duty came to check on Sabrina. She was taken aback once she saw that there were so many people in the room. Sabrina calmly looked at the nurse and said, "It's too noisy here, and I need some rest. Can you please get them to leave?"

The nurse glared at the four people in front of Sarina with a furious expression. "What are you people trying to do? This patient is pregnant, and did not even take any anaesthetics as she was being stitched up. She endured it all through her own sheer will, and now her body is completely exhausted. Yet you're all disturbing her now when she needs to rest? Everyone get out!"

It was only because the nurse did not know who they were, that she was able to get them to leave. If she did, she surely wouldn’t have dared to chase them out.

However, Henry and Nigel's parents listened to the nurse's instructions and left the ward as they were told. Sebastian, who was standing behind them, did not say anything before leaving the room as well. As h e walked out of the hospital, he said to Kingston, who was standing next to the car, "I want you to investigate something. The day before my mother died, what happened when Kenton pulled Sabrina away?"

Kingston did not say anything.

"What are you waiting for?!"

Kingston said, "Young master, the truth is, I've already investigated the matter you mentioned."

Sebastian had a puzzled look on his face.


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