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Still Wanna Escape After Stealing My Heart? novel Chapter 158

Sebastian's voice was cold. "Why? Nigel and Zayn have already fought here, is it so wrong of me to show up here as well?”

Sabrina clearly looked upset.

She did not want Sebastian to see her staying in a place like this.

Sabrina knew that a lot of women who worked as escorts lived in this area. Most of them came from other countries, or were married with children in their homes.

They did not make much, some of them only a few dozen bucks at a time, and only managed to earn a few hundred at night.

Compared to even a low level white collar employee in the city, their pay amounted to nothing.

Yet, even when they could only make a few hundred a day, these women had no choice but to save it all up for their children at home, for paying their school fees, living expenses and saving up for retirement.

As such, these were the best rooms they could afford.

Living under such social conditions, these women had no choice but to stay in the slums. 1

On top of staying in this area, which would already give people a bad impression, the video of her trapped

in between Nigel and Zand had now circulated widely, only making the people who watched it misunderstand her more. 1

Especially now, the last person who Sabrina wanted to see was Sebastian.

She tried hard to block the no frills room from

Sebastian's view, but had forgotten that he was taller than her by almost two heads.

Without meaning to, he saw the entire room clearly.

Sabrina had been sleeping in a simple, poorly built wooden bed. Though the bed was clean, the walls that surrounded the room were all stained yellow. There weren’t any floorboards on the ground, only dirt. 1

In fact, there was no bathroom inside, or even a place t o wash up. Besides the bed, the only other furniture in the room was a wardrobe. 1

However, there were two large sacks on the ground.


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