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Submission novel Chapter 5

She walked to the window, looking out at the grounds. It wasn't too far of a drop to the ground, and if she tied some of the fur blankets together she might be able to climb down and escape this place. The glass looked thick, but maybe she could break it. She glanced around the room. There wasn't much here that she could use as a weapon. Her eyes fastened to a small end table near the bed. She tied several of the large furs together, and then quickly cleared the table. It was heavier than she expected when she lifted it, but she quickly figured that was to her benefit. She carried it to the window, and with a deep breath she slammed it violently against the glass. It bounced back at her and Sansa gasped in disappointment, slamming harder this time as she repeated the motion. Again the table shook the windowpane, but it failed to break. She tossed the heavy table aside and pummeled the window with her shoulder, slamming into it as tears began to wash her face. Weak and sore she slid down against the wall, crying helplessly as she put her face in her hands. It was Plexiglas; whoever was keeping her here knew what they were doing.

There was a knock on the door and as it opened slowly Sansa saw Tala hesitantly peer in, “What's going on in here?” The other woman asked as she entered the room.

Sansa blushed under her teardrops, “Please, call me Sansa.” She watched Angel as she looked around the room with an expression of panic, “I thought I could break the window and ... escape.” She didn't care if the other woman knew what she was doing, she didn't care about anything right now; her only concern was getting home.

Tala shook her head, “Please, whatever you do, don't do that. They'll kill you."

Tala drew in a breath, drying her tears as resentment began to replace her vulnerability, “Whom do you work for Tala?"

"I don't work for anybody ... I'm just a member here, just like you are now.” Tala stammered in her response.

"Why am I here then, what do they want with me?"

"Umm.... “Taka pondered her answer, and faltered slightly as she replied, “No matter what answer I give, it won't comfort you. It never does..."

Sansa frowned. She waited as Tala looked up at the ceiling, apparently expecting an acceptable answer to materialize from it.

"I don't know for sure.” Tala searched Sansa's green eyes, “I thought that you would be used for trade and reproduction ... but after seeing your room I don't think so."

Sansa let her jaw drop and her eyes widened, “Trade and reproduction? What the hell does that mean?"

Tala stepped backwards and distanced herself from the redhead, expecting to be attacked, “You asked me, and I gave you the best answer I could!” her voice was almost pleading now. “It's very complicated. But that's not what they're going to use you for ... I'm almost certain."

Sansa swallowed as a tear streamed over her cheek. This couldn't be happening. She had a young son, and she had a family that loved her. A hand touched her shoulder.

"Please, don't cry.” Tala's touch did little to comfort Sansa''s falling tears or reassure her, “It's very nice here, they treat us wonderfully and they take care of us. It's not what you're thinking it is, I promise."

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2


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