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Substitute Her to Love You novel Chapter 105

Reading the news, I saw the comments down below indicated that the situation was a little out of control.

Most netizens thought that Caroline surely had something to do with this matter.

A lot of the netizens who had commented were probably females. So, most of the comments were about scolding Caroline for being an angelic b**ch and fooling Patrick.

I turned off my cell phone and shook my head.

"Does it have anything to do with me?"


Regardless of whether Patrick had me in his mind or not, as long as I was here, I surely would make Caroline sick.

That was all I could do.

But I was content with it.

However, I had to find a job.

Without a laptop at home, I found it more and more inconvenient.

So I simply went to a store and bought a laptop. Considering that I would have to use it

to do my design drawings in the future, I made up my mind and purchased a more expensive and yet more productive one.

After I came back home, the first thing I did was to edit my resume and start to drop my resumes in the mails of different companies one by one.

I only hoped that taking advantage of the fact that many people would quit their jobs and find new ones before or after the Spring Festival, I could find a job.

Even if it was just an ordinary one, it would be fine for me.

I stayed at home dropping my resume in the mails for a whole day. It wasn't until at sunset that I remembered that I hadn't had dinner yet.

There was nothing in my refrigerator. So I had to go out for dinner.

I went to the commercial district outside the residential quarter, found a random fast-food restaurant, and had dinner there. Then I went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables, eggs, and meat, planning to cook at home.

When I finished purchasing the groceries and was on my way home, a car stopped in front of me.

Soon, the door to the passenger's seat opened. I saw Gina getting out of the car and shouting, "Charlotte Archer, don't move!"

Soon, Jeremy got out of the driver's seat.

"What brought you here?" I sneered, trying to bypass them.

Gina stopped me. Stepping forward, she grabbed my hair directly and scolded, "Aren't you ashamed? You could have been engaged in something else. Instead, you insist on being a mistress. Now you almost forced Caroline to death! Are you happy?"

"Let go."

Holding things in my hands, I wasn't in a convenient position.

Gina was getting more excessive as she said, "Let me tell you, Caroline is still in danger. If anything happens to her, I won't let you go!"

"But she killed my child."

"Your child? Your child is nothing!" Gina snorted. "The child of a b**tard is a b**tard as well!"

"A b**tard!"

Anger overwhlemed me in an instant.

"Shut up!" I was so angry that I clutched the plastic bag containing eggs in my hand and swung it directly!

I smashed it on Gina's head!

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound. Because of my great strength, all the eggs were broken!

Blended with the broken eggshell, both the egg white and the egg yolk flowed out of the gap of the plastic bag, directly pasting on Gina's hair and face!

She was stunned in an instant!

Then she loosened her grip.

I pulled my hair out of her hand directly and said coldly, "All of this is Caroline's fault. She reaps what she has sown. And it has nothing to do with me."

"Get back, go with us, and apologize to Caroline. Tell the media that Telma's drawings were forged by you!"

As soon as I took a step, Jeremy held my arms.

He was a man. And his strength was very strong.

"No way. The drawings aren't fake." I looked at Jeremy and found him ridiculous, "Caroline is your daughter. Don't you know her capability? She's so stupid. Don't you know what kind of works she can design?"


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