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Substitute Her to Love You novel Chapter 149

I clicked open the email and took a general look at its content. There were a total of six contestants in the final. However, at present, as for who the six contestants were, it wasn't revealed.

According to the content of the email, in three days, all the contestants should gather at the airport. The relative person in charge of the company should be responsible for organizing us and setting off together.

It didn't even indicate where we were going.

But I couldn't care too much about it. Since I had decided to take part in the final, even if I had to somewhere dangerous, I had to go there.

As I was reading the email, Lisa came over and hugged me from behind, "I know you are sad. He who died can't come back to his life. The reason why he came here this time is that he was worried about you. So you have to take good care of yourself."

I lowered my head, grabbed her arm, and said to her, "Before he left, I told him that I wouldn't fall in love with him. Am I wrong? I think I should be with him..."

"If that's the case, then your feelings for him are just sympathy rather than love."

"But if that was the case, he wouldn't have left with sad feelings."

"But you are just sympathizing with him even if you say so to him. Do you hope that the one you love will agree to be you for the rest of his life just because he sympathizes with you?"

Regarding Lisa's question, even if I didn't answer it, I had an answer in my heart.

I didn't want to.

Lisa patted me on the shoulder and said, "He who died can't come back to his life. The fact that he died for you can't be reversed. You should take his share and live well."


I nodded.

I had to live well. And I had to live better than I did now.

Lisa was going to work tomorrow. And she wouldn't come back until more than a month later. That evening, I made her some local dishes to fill her up. Then we lay on the bed and talked about many things which had happened in the childhood.

It wasn't until the latter half of the night that we fell asleep.

The next day, when I got up, I saw Lisa was still asleep. So I gave her a push, "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Lisa fetched her cell phone in a daze and glanced at it. Then she jumped out of bed in a hurry and said, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

While complaining, she changed her clothes and took the luggage that she had packed up before. Then she went out before she could even do make-up.

When I took her out of the door, I happened to see Shelton.

He was also going downstairs.

Seeing Lisa rushing out, he helped her to stop the elevator.

Lisa said, "Thank you." Then she rushed in without hesitation.

When she left, I tidied myself up and went to the company to turn over my work.

After all, the details about the final were written in a very general way. The email only indicated that we would gather at the airport three days later. Besides that, as for where we would go and how long we would be away, it wasn't indicated at all.

I had no choice but to hand over all my work and my clients with reluctance.

After handing over the work, I came out of the company and received a strange phone call.

When I picked it up, the one over the phone asked me first, "Is that Charlotte Archer?"


The voice sounded very strange.

I couldn't help being alert.

The man over the phone said, "Hello, I am the police from the police station in Town W. About the car accident on the highway a few weeks ago, I have a few questions for you."

"Police from the police station in Town W?"

"A few questions for me?"

I couldn't help but be stunned.

Of course, I knew that he was talking about Seth's car accident. However...

"What do you mean? Isn't that car accident an accident?"

I couldn't help but feel nervous.

"I'm not sure yet. But we found some doubts when we checked the scene. So I have a few questions for you." The traffic police's words were very official.

I quickly said, "Okay, go ahead. I will tell you everything I know."

The first thing the traffic police asked me was about the fact that Seth had called me.

I told him the situation at that time, indicating that I didn't pick up his call at that time and that he sent me a few voice messages later.


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