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Substitute Her to Love You novel Chapter 291


The policeman's voice sounded behind me.

I could not care so much and rushed towards the door. When arrived at the door, I bent down to cross the cordon and dashed into the corridor.

In the empty corridor, there wasn't a single person in sight.

For a moment, I didn't know where to go.

When I was hesitating, the policeman had already caught up with me. He directly pressed my arms with his hands and roared, "Are you a journalist?"

"No!" I couldn't turn back as my arms were pressed by the policeman. I could only say, "I'm the director's fiancee. He didn't come back from yesterday. Tomorrow is his birthday. I'm very worried!"

I knew it was impossible for me to run away.

When the policeman heard this, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you have a couple photo?"

Couple photo?

I thought about it carefully and shook my head. "No."

"You even don't have a couple photo?" The policeman was angry. "You must be a journalist!"

As he spoke, he took out his phone and dialed a number. "Come here to Glorious Light Hospital. I have caught a journalist."

I said anxiously, "I'm really not a journalist! I'm a designer. I can prove it!"

"A designer?" The policeman released me, though he seemed not to believe. "Prove it."

I quickly took out my mobile phone and searched for some news about me on the Internet.

Fortunately, there were some interviews that I had given on the Internet before.

The policeman pressed me with one hand and held the phone with the other one. After reading it, he stared at me doubtfully and said, "Although you have proved that you are not a journalist, you can't prove your relationship with the director. I can't tell you what has happened."

"Then please tell me if any person has been died here."

Would it be okay like this?

The policeman looked at me, paused for a moment, and said, "I can only tell you that the director is still alive."

These words were a reassurance to me.

Until then, that my heart which had always been in my mouth, was finally set at ease.

But I quickly reflected and asked, "Why did he turn off his phone if he was alive? Did anything happen to him? Was he injured?"

"No, no! If you don't leave now, my colleague will come and take you to the police station!"

The police were annoyed by my inquiry.

And I also saw that he really couldn't say it.

I had no choice but to leave the hospital.

When I got home, I looked it up online. As I expected, fields have eyes, and woods have ears.

It was said on the Internet that there was an infectious disease in Glorious Light Hospital, and now the entire hospital was locked down.

I had checked the disease on the Internet.

I found out it was a respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus. It was similar to SARS, but people were liable to die from it than from the latter.

Upon hearing this news, I was immediately panicked.

Had Shelton been infected? Would he be in danger?

"Thrilled to break out of the pupa, the urge to be reborn anew..."

When my heart was flustered and uneasy, my cell phone rang!

It was from Shelton!

There had never been such a time I was so excited when I got Shelton's phone call!

"Shelton, are you all right?" I said at soon as I picked up the phone.


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