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Substitute Her to Love You novel Chapter 412

This project would be built on the acknowledged suburb of City Y. It would take at least more than an hour to drive from the downtown there.

However, there was one advantage here, that was, two rivers met here.

Based on the rivers, we would build a residential quarter and lead the water into the residential quarter, making them flowthrough it.

In other words, there would be all running water in the whole residential quarter.

Based on my observation of the likings of the rich, that was what they loved the most.

Nancy and I both predicted that this residential quarter should be soled out with ease.

After taking on this project, Nancy and I had a field trip there.

During this period, I often lived there and basically left Glenn to Jason.

It took Nancy and me nearly four months to complete this residential quarter project. By the time the project was done, it had been past midOctober.

It took us a longer time than we designed a residential quarter on usual days.

For this reason, the staff of the Gifted Design originally had some criticisms against us. However, after we handed over the design sketch to them, they were with us, thinking that all the waiting was worth it.

After the design draft came out, the construction company started to build the foundation.

The residential quarter was divided into two areas. One was called Highest Goodness Pavilion. And the other one was named Water Like Resort.

The two areas would be sold at the same time. However, the deadline for the housing possession date was different.

After the construction company started building the foundation, the housings were open for purchase. As a result, in just three days, a total of 88 villas in the whole residential quarter were all sold out, which was beyond my and Nancy's expectations.

At a time when the real estate industry was in a difficult position, it was a miracle.

At a banquet celebrating the all sold-out housings, the boss of Gifted Design told us that he had reserved two houses for us. To express his gratitude, he could sell them to us with a 20% discount.

Nancy and I agreed on the spot immediately.

Therefore, our studio became very famous.

There were more and more orders in the studio.

And we gradually recruited more people.

But speaking of the designers, there were just the two of us.

I made an agreement with Nancy, that was, rather than make our studio the largest one, we would make it the best one instead.

After that, we bought a piece of land in the west of the city, planning to ask the Construction Institute of City Y to build a four-story building there for us.

At the same time, we paused all our work and focused on completing the design of our studio.

After all, it was related to the face job of our studio.

During this period, my old school, Academy of Fine Arts of City Y, planned to hold a creative design competition and invited me to be a judge.

It was my class teacher back then who called me in person. Thinking that it wasn't appropriate for me to refuse, I agreed.

On the day of the finals of the design competition, the school specially sent someone to pick me up in a car.

By the time I arrived at the school, other judges had been waiting there.

Except for me, others were basically teachers of the school.

We directly went to a amphitheater.

All the seats in the amphitheater were taken.

As I walked forward, there was someone waving to me. I looked at him carefully and found that it was actually Jason.

I had been bothering him to take care of Glenn all the time. And for a moment, I forgot that Jason was a student of the Academy of Fine Arts.

I waved at him.

And I walked onto the foremost platform.

At this time, after the principal introduced us, other judges and I took our seats. Then, the students who entered the final began to give their final explanations about their ideas one by one.

After all of them were done with their explanations, we rated the final score for them.

The creative design was one aspect of design. Even so, it was far from what I was specialized in.

I, who couldn't raise any constructive proposals, rated them all at a mediocre score.

After the design competition was over, the principal personally invited me to attend a small banquet in a hotel at the entrance of the school that night.

The principal said, "The main purpose of this banquet is to invite graduates who have outstanding performance and who have helped us. Please do show up there."


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