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Substitute Marriage With the Illegitimate Son novel Chapter 1102

"Halt!" The group turned to face Catherine as she spoke.

Jeremy wanted to move quickly. He had spent too much time and effort today with the Turner couple. He needed to leave.

After the fight, Jeremy kicked aside the bodyguard at his feet and straightened out his wrinkled coat.

His eyebrows relaxed as he showed no fear toward Catherine. "You have two options now. If you want to save Luke, hand me your shares in the Turner Group. Or you can let Luke die and leave your firm unattended. After all, I have a lot of time here."

Glancing at the man resting on the bed, he said, "I doubt Luke has that much time though."

After exiting the ward, Jeremy shut the door once more.

Only after Jeremy had departed did Catherine make her way back to her seat with the assistance of a servant. Her once graceful countenance now appeared very pallid, with bloodless lips that made her seem significantly aged.

"Mrs. Turner, do you intend to surrender your shares? Once Mr. Turner is awake and becomes aware, he will definitely be mad at you." The elderly servant, employed by the Turner family for numerous years, couldn't resist the urge to inquire. She had been dutifully serving Catherine ever since her married Luke.

Catherine's hand rose to her forehead as she lowered her head in despair, gazing at Luke, who was in a coma in the hospital bed.

She brushed away the tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. "What other options do I have? Luke is the pillar of the Turner family. He can't leave us like this."

A heavy sigh escaped the elderly servant's lips as she observed Catherine's worn-out appearance. The constant setbacks had robbed the once graceful lady of her usual charm.

Although Brandon had heard of Luke's hospitalization, he felt no need to concern himself with the matter. The Larson Group had little interaction with the Turner family, after all.

Brandon's sole focus was on Vivian's whereabouts, and he relied on Sean to keep him informed of any developments.

"I've heard that Vivian has been going through a tough time since she was sent overseas. I heard she attempted suicide several times but was either stopped or rescued. Have you received any information on the nursing home where she resides? Vivian has become the prime subject of observation in that facility. I've investigated the background of the sanatorium and learned that it was dubbed a " madhouse" by the locals. I've also heard that over ten years ago, it was used as a burial ground for deceased soldiers. There appears to be an eerie aura surrounding that place." Sean had a penchant for delving into peculiar matters, so he had amassed a wealth of knowledge on such topics.

After contemplating, he finally asserted, "Mr. Larson, there's no need to worry. I highly doubt that Vivian will ever return."

"Have you inspected everything that belongs to Vivian?" Setting aside the documents, Brandon's mind was preoccupied, and he struggled to concentrate on work. He couldn't shake off the nagging suspicion that someone had been pulling the strings behind Vivian's predicament and orchestrated everything.


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