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Substitute Marriage With the Illegitimate Son novel Chapter 1126

"Hannah! Is that really you?" Janet exclaimed in surprise and joy at the sight of the elder woman.

Janet rushed to embrace Hannah tightly, pushing past Brandon, who was blocking the door.

Hannah chuckled and patted Janet on the shoulder. "Easy there, dear. What if you trip and fall running too quickly?"

Janet was filled with emotions and struggled to hold back her tears as she thought of the elder woman mentioned in the project document and realized that Brandon indeed wanted to make clothes for Hannah.

"It's only been a few months, Janet, but I've missed you so much," Hannah said as she comforted Janet and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"It's entirely my fault that I haven't returned to visit you often." Janet seldom returned to Seacisco once Johanna and Beal had brought her to Barnes. In addition, she hadn't seen Hannah in a while since she had been preoccupied with her work at the W Marks Studio.

Janet's fingers caressed Hannah's hunched back, finding comfort in the gentle support of her frail frame. It was a moment of solace and relief for her.

"It's hard for you to come to see me because of your busy work schedule. However, Brandon arranged for me to come here and stay for a few days." Hannah smiled at Brandon as she rubbed Janet's back. "Brandon realized we hadn't seen each other in a long while, so he went to Seacisco in person to pick me up. Since it was my first time in an airplane, my legs trembled uncontrollably. Brandon comforted me over the whole flight."

Hannah appeared to be unaware of the conflict between Janet and Brandon.

Janet remained silent, biting her lip and avoiding eye contact.

"You have a slight fear of heights," Brandon said to Hannah as he held onto her arm. "I'll take Hannah home now, and you can join us for dinner later," he then added as he looked at Janet.

"It's been so long since I cooked for Janet." Hannah's face lit up with excitement.


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