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Substitute Marriage With the Illegitimate Son novel Chapter 1175

As Leo's interrogation bore down on him, Garrett struggled to find the words to defend himself.

Leo's rage intensified upon seeing Garrett's crestfallen expression. "You're nearly thirty, for heaven's sake! Show some maturity! How can you ever hope to be a decent father and protector for your family?"

Garrett found himself at a loss for words for the first time in his life, rendered speechless by Leo's scathing rebuke.

Deep down, he knew Leo was right. His own negligence had caused harm to Laney.

Vera, witnessing the harsh chastisement Garrett was enduring, felt a wave of sympathy and immediately intervened, "You can't place all the blame on Garrett! Laney must bear some responsibility too. Her own carelessness nearly resulted in disaster."

Garrett's protective instincts kicked in, and he quickly jumped to Laney's defense. "It's all my fault. I should never have brought Laney to the class reunion. If I hadn't, this calamity wouldn't have occurred. I promise to be more vigilant in the future." Seeing Garrett's genuine remorse, Leo's anger finally began to dissipate. "I'm glad you understand the gravity of the situation. You may return to work tomorrow. Lola will tend to Laney."

"No!" Garrett protested, anxiety mounting. "With Laney in this state, I can't concentrate on work."

Leo frowned. "It's crucial that you sort out your work affairs, so you can be there for Laney when she needs you most - during childbirth."

Vera chimed in, "You don't want to be absent when Laney gives birth, do you?"

Garrett knew that Leo was right but couldn't shake his concern. "But what about Laney..."

"Don't fret, Mr. Harding. I'll take excellent care of Mrs. Harding," Lola, who had been quietly trailing Vera, promptly assured him.

"Alright, but you must keep a close eye on Laney."

After issuing a final reminder to Lola and casting a lingering glance at the slumbering Laney in her hospital bed, Garrett reluctantly took his leave.

Once Garrett had departed, Leo and Vera decided to follow suit, but not before ensuring Laney was in good hands.

"Please, take exceptional care of Laney this time. We can't afford another incident," Vera implored, her worry evident. "Keep us informed of any developments, alright?"


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