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Substitute Marriage With the Illegitimate Son novel Chapter 1328

The dawn had shaken off the grip of night, but the shadows under Janet's eyes still clung on, remnants of a restless slumber.

Her mind, a haunted house, had been infested with nightmares. Faceless figures prowled through her dreams, hungry for her peace, or Vivi—her face a crimson mask—cried out accusations of injustice from beyond the grave.

This spectral onslaught had left Janet with a melancholy that clung to her like a second skin.

Yet, she rallied. Gathering her things, she steeled herself for the day's work.

Her husband, Brandon, took in her pallid complexion with a furrowed brow. Genuine concern lacing his words, he suggested, "Maybe you should consider taking the day off? I fear Vivi's kin might stir up a storm at the studio and you could get caught in the crossfire."

But Janet was unyielding. Her voice, a whisper laced with iron, responded, "The studio's still in its infancy, and we're already navigating such a crisis. It's crucial that I'm there, guiding it through. I can't abandon my crew or show a hint of fear."

Brandon found himself in the face of an immovable object. He conceded, a solemn nod to his white flag. "At least promise to be cautious. If anything goes south, I want to hear from you immediately."

Janet reached up, pressing a reassuring kiss to Brandon's cheek. "Don't worry," she soothed. "We'll weather this storm."

Just as she was about to step into her shoes, her phone rang.

Lexi's voice breezed through the phone line, her

tone as unruffled as ever. "Boss, when can I expect you? The studio's electricity bill is overdue, and we need to settle it."

Janet stilled before replying calmly, "I'm on my way.

Just hold on."

Without a word, Brandon bent to help Janet with her shoes. Once the call ended, he asked, curiosity tugging at his brows, "Is something amiss at the studio?"

Janet's fingers danced across her phone screen as she shared, "Lexi footed the electricity bill—a grand, a few days ago. There's no way we're in arrears."

His frown deepened, a portent of stormy weather. "Something's off."

Her brow creased in worry, Janet nodded. "Trouble might have already found its way to the studio, and Lexi could be in its crosshairs. Her call could have been a veiled plea for help. I need to get there as soon as possible."

Brandon held out his hand, an unspoken offer of solidarity. "Let's face this together. We'll take the security detail with us. Whatever comes our way, we'll navigate through."

Her lips pressed into a thin line, Janet nodded.


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