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Substitute Marriage With the Illegitimate Son novel Chapter 428

Janet woke up the next day with a sharp throbbing in her eyes.

She padded into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were all bloodshot and puffy. She looked terrible.

"Just skin and bones," she muttered, pinching her arm and forcing a smile.

Realization suddenly struck her. She had nothing to worry about at all.

She was only in her twenties; she still had much of her youth to squander, not to mention a whole life waiting ahead of her.

Janet delved into her thoughts. She had never had much ever since she was a little girl. When she was in primary school, she had a favorite pencil box with a pretty Barbie pattern. Jocelyn ended up throwing it away out of spite. And while Janet was torn over the loss, she eventually forgot about the knickknack altogether.

Perhaps Ethan would be just like that pencil box.

Besides, he had made a point of keeping his true identity from the start.

Janet didn't want to think that it was due to some misgivings on his part, but she couldn't really blame him if that was the case.

With renewed resolve, she opened her computer and proceeded to send out her resumes to design companies all over the country.

Shortly after, she received a notice for interview from Flying Kite, a famous establishment in Barnes.

The thing, however, was that she hadn't sent them her resume.

Curious, Janet opened the e-mail to confirm its contents. Sure enough, the HR Manager of Flying Kite expressed their appreciation for her designs, and even mentioned that they were aware that her former superior at the Larson Group had nothing but praise for her.

It occurred to her then that she had previously spoken to Tiffany about changing jobs.


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