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Substitute Marriage With the Illegitimate Son novel Chapter 868

The hour was late, and the cold night wind was blowing. The wind caused Janet to sober up a little. However, her legs and feet still remained frail, and she was unable to walk.

"Where are you taking me?" Janet opened her eyes in a daze to take a look at the models who were supporting her.

Like silver bells, the laughter of the models were crisp in Janet's ears. "We're getting you back to the hotel. You're drunk. Sleep well now. We're women just like you; it's not like we're gonna hurt you. We'll get you back safely." The two models had already placed Janet in the car as they were talking. They sat on either side of her, left and right, sandwiching her in the middle.

Janet felt so drunk, she bent her head to rest on the shoulder of one of the female models, and then she shut her eyes to rest. It didn't come to her attention that the scenery outside the window slowly switched from the lively high-rise buildings to a grim woodland, veering completely away from the direction the hotel was in.

Some time passed, and Janet was jolted up slightly from a low ring in her bag. She fought to keep her eyelids open, brought out her phone, and took the call. It was Brandon calling.

"Where are you, honey? I'll come get you."

Janet felt herself relax in the soothing sound of his voice. She glanced out the window and replied, "I'm headed back to the hotel right now." The road however, appeared a little dark, and she was unable to see the exact road the car was on. Being so drunk, Janet could barely put two and two together. She didn't think on it too much.

Brandon was not pleased. "The man who carried you earlier, is he the one who sent you back?"

"No." Janet massaged her aching temples and took a look at the models next to her. She said, "They are female models. They told me they'd get me back to the hotel."

Janet's voice sounded a bit unclear and odd. Brandon felt anxious. "Are you drunk?"

"Hmm... It's odd. I indeed drank a glass or two, however, I just began to feel so dizzy all of a sudden..." Janet started feeling something was off herself as well.


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