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Summon of The Sword novel Chapter 1674

"Special needle treatment? Is this traditional medicine?"

The hospital director asked.

"Yes, it's traditional medicine."

Zander answered for Sean.

"Traditional medicine is outdated, and many of its treatments have no basis in modern medicine."

The hospital director said proudly.

"The so-called no basis is only because the mystery hasn't been discovered. Besides, it doesn't matter. What matters is whether the problem is eventually solved and the person is saved!"

Zander said with emphasis.

Zander spoke rudely, but what he said made sense.

It bothered Zander, but he could not argue further.

Sean lifted his hands and applied pressure to Uriah's body with special needle treatment, especially around the wound.

"What are you doing now?"

The hospital director continued asking.

Zander could not answer him this time. He did not understand either.

Sean said flatly, "When the human body is poisoned, your immune system automatically kicks in and fights against the toxin. During this process, human organs and tissues would naturally produce some changes different from ordinary people. You can find it and diagnose it through touch and other ways. With special needle treatment, you can stimulate nearby acupoints with pressure so that the toxins can accumulate in a certain place."

"What's the theory?"

The hospital director asked again.

"Theory, theory, theory. Can't you ask something else?"

Zander snapped, unable to stand it anymore.


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