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Summon of The Sword novel Chapter 1757

"It's me. Is your boss there?"

Aria asked haughtily.

Sean had already heard Aria's voice. Without Zander telling him, he walked over and let Aria into the room.

Although he and Aria were enemies, there was no need to be hostile to each other whenever they met.

Only the weak could not control their emotions. Genuine wise people and masters never revealed their expressions.

"Zander, pour Ms. Aria a cup of coffee."

Sean said quietly.

Zander did not hesitate. He replied in acknowledgment and turned around to make Aria some coffee.

Aria observed Sean's room and the chess board on the table before she smiled.

"Commander Lennon, you're enjoying yourself. You're under house arrest but in the mood to play chess with your subordinate. Is this considered finding pleasure in misery?"


Sean shook his head and said calmly, "How is this misery? I have food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear, no need to suffer from the cold, and I don't need to worry about the danger that might come at any moment. How is this misery? Ms. Aria, you seem to have never experienced real suffering to say such a thing."

Aria instantly froze when Sean said this.

She had only spoken casually and did not expect Sean to answer her so seriously.

She opened her mouth and was about to retort when Sean said, "Ms. Aria, Lowich's injuries should be stable now, right? I stabbed him. I know how severe his injuries are, so don't try to lie to me."


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