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Summon of The Sword novel Chapter 1764

The diplomatic convoy headed toward Dorodo.

They took the main road this time, thinking there would be no ambush with soldiers chasing like the last time. Therefore, the diplomatic convoy started their journey without haste or worry.

Moreover, the diplomatic convoy returned to Dorodo with the same amount of people who went to Crosac.

It also filled Uriah with admiration for Sean.

After all, Uriah did not think Sean and Zander would survive the ambush, nor would any of the city defense soldiers and personal guards following them.

However, the truth was that they were all here and alive.

"No one's going to ambush us this time, right?"

Shania asked, sticking her head out of the car window.


Sean said affirmatively.


Shania asked curiously.

Sean did not answer, but Dorodo's army of 1,500 men was heading for Dorodo on the other end. If there was an ambush, it was either the enemy ambushing the diplomatic convoy, or the diplomatic convoy ambushing the enemy.

It was why Sean was so confident.

When Sean did not answer, Shania mumbled, "What's so secretive..."

Just then, a horse suddenly jumped out of a nearby mountain forest and blocked the diplomatic convoy's way.

It was none other than Aria's personal bodyguard, Lowich, on the horse's back.

Lowich was dressed in armor and looked furious. His sword was out of its sheath—It was the same Seven Star Sword that appeared at the auction.

No one expected Aria to give it to Lowich to use after winning the Seven Star Sword.


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