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Super CEO Daddy And His Baby Triplets novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Treat Him So Rudely

The questions below became sharper and Bob was furious, shouting, "You're Jocelyn, right? As an artist, where is your professional ethics? I didn't expect your character to be so despicable, you're simply a fraud! I will file a complaint against you! You ruined our charity event and defiled its sanctity. You don't even deserve to wear our Siumix clothes and participate in our finale performance. Take off your clothes immediately and get out!"

"Get out, you fraud!"

"Take it off, take it off! Take off your clothes and get out!"

"Get out..."

Many people were heckling and demanding that she take off her clothes and leave, and Jocelyn had completely incited their anger.

Glenna, who was in the audience, saw Jocelyn become the target of public criticism and gloated over the commotion.

Now that she ruined Jocelyn's reputation, let's see how she can continue to survive in Glebey. Just went back to where she came from!

Jocelyn scanned the faces of these people coldly. Being forced to take off her clothes in public was unprecedented.

This was just as humiliating as being searched.

Jocelyn had wanted to keep quiet and calm the situation, but now it had escalated to a point that violated her dignity. How could she continue to remain silent?

"Mr. Bob! I would like to ask what the purpose of the Siumix Charity Night event is?"

Jocelyn snatched the microphone from Lilly's hand and finally spoke up, questioning Bob loudly.

Bob was taken aback by the question, but then answered her sternly, "Our goal in holding this event is to raise charity and help more people in need."

"Great words! But you accused me of ruining your charity event. But what about the loving donations just now? Are they just a void data? Charity is about gathering love, not seeking fame and profits. If I want to make a comeback, why should I wear a mask?"

Jocelyn's rhetorical question silenced everyone present.

She was right. If she wanted to make a comeback, why hide it?

"I did my best to contribute to this charity event in my own way. Is that wrong?"

Jocelyn's words were resounding and Bob fell silent for a moment before getting more angry and ashamed. "Ms. Murray, firstly, you were not invited by our event organizers and you are not on the guest list. Your intrusion still needs to be investigated. Now, we cannot ignore the damage you have caused to our event just because of your performance just now. Anyway, please take off our costume and leave now!"

Not only were the official organizers not welcoming her, but many of her peers also expressed their disapproval of her, believing that Jocelyn was making excuses for herself.

Seeing that Jocelyn refused to take off her clothes, Lilly pushed her with a cruel remark, "Jocelyn, why are you still standing there? Didn't you hear us? Take off your clothes now!"

Jocelyn was caught off guard and fell forward uncontrollably.

Just when she thought she was going to fall off the stage, a shadow rushed over, a long and powerful hand reached out and grabbed her wrist in time, pulling her back.

The next second, Jocelyn fell into a broad embrace, and a faint fragrance of Snow Larkspur permeated her nose.

Smelling the familiar scent, Jocelyn was startled and looked up to see a perfect jawline.

Was it Calvin?

She never thought that the person who would appear by her side at her most embarrassing moment would be him!

Calvin was originally sitting in the audience coldly watching everything happening on stage. Seeing everyone criticizing her and her inability to defend herself, he became angry.

At the beginning, Jocelyn chose to remain silent for the sake of her assistant's safety.

But later, when Bob spoke rudely and Jocelyn retorted, he still refused to listen and was stubborn.

Even if Jocelyn could withstand the condemnation of others, how could Calvin endure it?

After all, Jocelyn was his nominal wife. To bully her was a disgrace to him.

His woman could not be criticized by others.

So Calvin stood up!

At this moment, he also wore a mask and his true face could not be seen. Only his perfect jawline and the strong aura of coldness and nobility emanating from his body could be seen.

He supported Jocelyn, stood her up, and scanned the crowd with a cold gaze. "Who said she's not worthy of wearing Siumix's clothes and insulted Siumix's charity night? Do you still need her to take off her clothes now?"

Everyone looked at Bob, who nodded. "It was me who said that. She ruined our event and should be held responsible!"

"Is that so? Wells!"

After Calvin called out Wells' name, Bob appeared visibly stunned. Wells was their CEO!

Soon, a tall, golden-haired man walked up from below the stage, smiling and saying, "No, no, no! Ms. Murray doesn't need to take off her clothes. Your performance just now was excellent."

Bob saw their CEO coming and wanted to seize the opportunity to complain. "CEO! She's just a fake, not supposed to be here. She should leave."


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