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Super CEO Daddy And His Baby Triplets novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Jocelyn Would Be Utterly Discredited 

She made a move to hit herself in the stomach when Ernest clung to her and stopped her, "Theresa! Don't think about doing anything stupid! Try to calm yourself! I'll figure it out! Jocelyn will be here later to deal with the endorsement, and I'll talk to her about it when she gets here." 

Ernest was very concerned about Theresa's unborn baby because the elders of the Cloutier family really wanted a grandson. Ernest now was counting on the baby in Theresa's stomach. 

Just then, there was a knock on the door. 

They turned around simultaneously and saw Jocelyn and Veronica, who were radiant and standing at the doorway. 

Theresa was full of hatred at the sight of Jocelyn, pointed the finger at her, and lashed out, "Jocelyn, Veronica! It's really you guys! How shameless of you to collude in stealing my endorsement!" 

Jocelyn's eyes remained cool. "Your endorsement? Are you saying you're the face of Siumix? But it has officially announced the spokesperson, who's me." 

"It was me, but the spokesman has changed. It's you now. Can you honestly tell me you had nothing to do with it?" Theresa questioned. 

"You think everyone uses the casting couch as much as you do?" A mocking smile broke on Jocelyn's lips. 


Seeing that they were about to have a fight, Ernest stopped them right in time, "Stop it. You both need to ease up a bit." 

Now that Jocelyn and Veronica were here together, Ernest asked Jocelyn to come into the office first. Holding back his anger, he said to Veronica, "Veronica, wait for a while out there. I'll call you in later!" 

He wanted to talk to Veronica later. She betrayed the company behind his back and screwed him over. He would settle the score with her later. 

Shutting the office door, Ernest said with a angry face, "Hmph, I honestly didn't think you colluded with Veronica to do such a thing." 

Since Veronica had never shown up before, speculation about her can't be confirmed. But now, seeing they come to the office together, he was pretty sure that this was all Jocelyn's revenge plan, and Veronica was her accomplice! 

Jocelyn walked in with no fear, snickering, "Mr. Cloutier, don't make it sound harsh. Please straighten out who's behind all this. I just happened to run into Veronica on my way to the office. What is that gonna prove?" 

Jocelyn was not as simple-minded as she was five years ago. She was conceited and unruly, and her words were harsh. Behind her smiling eyes lurked the evil, which sent terror down Ernest's bones. 

Ernest dared not look at her and changed the subject. "Okay, let's put that aside and talk about Siumix. Did you meet up with higher-ups of Siumix in secret? Why else would they choose you as the spokesperson?" 

His tone was questioning and aggressive. 

He thought that Jocelyn must have used shameful means to steal the endorsement from Theresa. 

Jocelyn knew that no matter what she said, she would have a tough time convincing them that she had not done what they were accusing her of. 

Because they wouldn't believe her at all! 

Jocelyn's lips curved into a smile, and she sneered, "Obviously, Siumix chose me because they are discerning. Rotten apples will never be favored." 

Theresa stared at her with hatred and flared up at her sarcasm. "Jocelyn! Don't you dare insult me? Does that justify stealing? Do you realize how shameless you are?" 

Theresa raised her hand to hit Jocelyn, but Jocelyn grabbed her wrist and said sternly, "You want to hit me? Have you no shame? You set me up five years ago, and how many jobs did you take from me after that? You even made a name for yourself with the first song I recorded, didn't you?" 

Jocelyn was a super popular star back then. She was bombarded with job offers, and resources were all given to her. She chose to join Icehive Entertainment, which would bring a lot of resources and connections to the company itself. 

Originally, she was an artist for film and television. Ernest wanted her to be a singer at the same time and let her record a single called Starry Night. 

However, Jocelyn was set up by them before the song was released. 

The resources that were hers were given to Theresa, even including that song that was not released. 

That song was a triumph, and Theresa rose to stardom attracting a lot of fans. 

But the success Theresa gained was built on the suffering of Jocelyn! 

Theresa was an outright predator! 

But she wouldn't admit it. "Don't talk nonsense! I didn't plunder anything from you! Do you have proof that we set you up five years ago? Who would believe you even if the story gets out? Do you dare to tell anyone about this? Aren't you afraid people will know that you were pregnant out of wedlock?" 


Theresa tried to deny what she had done to Jocelyn. She was a wretch, who was full of crap, and Jocelyn slapped her mouth hard. 

"How dare you hit me!" Theresa asked, covering her face and glaring at Jocelyn. 

"You deserve this." 

Theresa was furious and pulled Ernest's arm. "Ernest! She hit me! How dare she punch me in the face! You get even with her and take her down a peg!" 


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