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Sweet May-December Marriage novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Couldn't Handle You

Waylon happened to come in with some people carrying a set of tea utensils. When he saw Charlotte's flustered expression, he froze in confusion and asked, "Ms. Lopez, what's wrong?"

Charlotte saw Waylon and finally breathed a sigh of relief. She stopped in her tracks and asked in puzzlement, "Where am I?"

Only then did Waylon realize that Charlotte must have been startled upon waking up in an unfamiliar environment. He comforted her, "Weren't you the one who mentioned not wanting to stay in the old mansion? That's why Mr. Clark had everything moved over here this morning."

Charlotte was taken aback, "...What? He moved everything over here?"

Waylon instructed the people to place the tea set properly and smiled as he said, "Yeah, this is a villa owned by Mr. Clark in Oswye Community. The area isn't very big, but it should be enough for two people to live comfortably... Mr. Clark has gone out, so shall I show you around?"

Charlotte nodded and whispered, "...He actually arranged everything so quickly."

Waylon said, "Mr. Clark always keeps his promises, and moreover, this is just a simple thing for him."

He glanced at Charlotte's bare feet on the carpet and said, "Oh Ms. Lopez, you should put on some shoes. Mr. Clark would blame me if you catch a cold."

Charlotte blushed slightly. Feeling embarrassed, she went back to her room and came out wearing slippers.

There were still people moving things around in the house. Waylon didn't mind, and he continued to show Charlotte several rooms, "The room you just woke up in is yours. Mr. Clark's room is across from yours, and they both have en-suite bathrooms. The other rooms are a study, a collection room, and a storage room. The guest rooms are upstairs, and there's also a sunroom up there, which is perfect for enjoying the sun in spring and winter. Additionally, there's a gym and an entertainment room, but they're not used often."

Standing on the third floor, Charlotte looked downstairs and saw that the villa had a small courtyard with a lot of precious flowers and a few fruit trees. Her favorite was the grapevine with a swing hanging from it.

Waylon said, "Mr. Clark had it specially made for you. But your health isn't great right now, so you shouldn't be exposed to the wind."

Charlotte nodded and asked, "Is there someone who regularly takes care of this place?"

"Yes, they come about once a week, usually around ten o'clock. So, they won't disturb you. Besides, there are only two servants here who attend to things. They've been with Mr. Clark for a long time and usually stay in their own rooms when they're not busy."

Charlotte whispered, "Mr. Colton, you don't have to be so formal with me."

Waylon smiled as he knew that Charlotte wasn't used to him using formal language, so he said, "Ms. Lopez, if you're curious, feel free to explore around."

Charlotte nodded and asked, "When will Mr. Clark be back?"

"Well, can't say for sure," Waylon replied. "Mr. Clark went to the military department for a meeting today."

Nelson returned late, and Charlotte had already taken a shower and was ready to sleep. She just came out of the kitchen with a glass of milk when she saw Nelson, the tall man, walk into the living room.

"Hey, you're back," Charlotte greeted with a soft smile and whispered, "Have you eaten?"

Nelson nodded, "Do you feel comfortable here?"

Charlotte immediately nodded, "It's great here."

"If you need anything, just ask Waylon," Nelson said as he took off his windbreaker and draped it over his arm. There was some weariness in his eyes, "Is your health better?"

Charlotte replied, "Yeah, I'm fine now. Are you feeling unwell?"

"Nah, I'm fine," Nelson's expression seemed cold. But when he was facing Charlotte, he suppressed his irritability. He gently patted her head and said, "Go back to your room, and go to bed after drinking the milk."

Charlotte looked up, and was only able to see his sharp jawline. She obediently nodded and went back to her room as told.


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