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Sweet May-December Marriage novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Revenge 

"Officers, please take her away!" Amanda requested. 

In a hoarse voice, Aurora cried out, "Have you completely disregarded the sisterly bond we've had for so many years, Amanda?" 

Amanda reacted as if she had just heard the most absurd joke. "Sisterly bond? I originally came from better origins than you, but Natalia caused my mom's death and turned me into what I am today. And now, you want me and Helena to become your murder tools... It's ironic that you can still bring up the sisterly bond we've had!" 

She gritted her teeth fiercely, seemingly suppressing intense anger. "You'd better think about how to explain your involvement in money laundering for drug traffickers!" 

The police showed no mercy and promptly took Aurora away. 

"Helena... " Amanda almost lost her balance. "How many... How many years do you think she'll be sentenced to?" 

Helena immediately supported Amanda. Her eyes were filled with tears as she replied, "For something this serious, even if not sentenced to death, she would be sentenced to over ten years of imprisonment." 

With a sharp voice, Amanda exclaimed, "But I want her to die... I want her to die! They deceived us for so many years, and it has brought us to this state. I want her dead!" 

Helena remarked, "I know... I know it all, Mom. Please don't cry. We've taken revenge for the deep-seated grudge. Shouldn't you be happy?" 

Amanda murmured, "Yes... I should be happy. But... But I've been utterly ruined..." 

Even if Aurora were to die, Amanda couldn't bring back her mom, nor restore her original status. 

Her entire life had ultimately been destroyed. 


"What?" The pen in Vivian's hand dropped to the ground as she uttered in disbelief, "What did you just say?" 

Jonathan's voice was exhausted. "Vinny... Your mom is in trouble. The police have taken her in for investigation. They claimed she had been laundering money for a drug trafficking organization for many years and has received substantial kickbacks I've hired a lawyer, but they said the best-case scenario would be still ten years of imprisonment... Vinny, come back as soon as you can. We need to visit your mom." 

Vivian immediately got up and hurriedly rushed to the staffroom to request leave. 

Cassidy frowned and asked, "What's wrong with her? Why is she so agitated?" 

Cecilia raised an eyebrow. "Oh? She's ditching her ladylike persona?" 

Eloise also asked, "What's happening in her family? She looks quite anxious." She poked Charlotte, who was solving math problems, and questioned, "Char, do you know?" 

Charlotte's hand came to a halt, and she responded, "I have no idea." 


"Mom, are the things they said true?" Vivian asked, struggling with her words. 

Aurora remained silent for a moment and said, "You must find the best lawyer for me. I don't want to go to jail. I can't go to jail!" 

Hearing Aurora say that, Vivian was pretty sure that what others said was true. 

Vivian struggled to lower her voice, but due to her anger, her tone remained loud. "Are you out of your mind? How dare you get involved in something like this?" 

Aurora explained, "For so many years, everything was fine! This situation only came to light thanks to your dad!" 

Vivian was confused. "Dad? How is this related to Dad?" 

Jonathan lowered his head in embarrassment and confessed, " I drank too much that day..." 

Aurora sneered, "The first time was because you drank too much. What about the second day? I found lipstick stains on your clothes for two consecutive days!" 

"Hold on... Mom, Dad. What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Vivian interrupted. 


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