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Sweet May-December Marriage novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Put Down My Hand

Andrew didn't care about his mother at all. He stared at Charlotte, "Char, did you really... marry my uncle?"

At this point, everyone could see what had happened between Andrew and Charlotte.

Charlotte let out a soft sigh of helplessness and whispered, "Yes."

"How could it be?" Andrew gritted his teeth and said, "We've agreed with each other that when we get into college..."

However, Charlotte's first reaction was to look at Nelson when she heard these words.

Nelson's clean face was expressionless, and his gaze did not even fall on anyone present, as if it was none of his business. However, Charlotte felt that he was angry.

Charlotte turned her head to look at Andrew. She smiled lightly and said in a soft and sweet voice, "Andrew, it was you who said it but I didn't agree with you for anything."

Andrew looked at her incredulously.

Charlotte was actually not a person who spoke harshly. After thinking for a while, she finally came up with a sentence, "My classmate, I thought I wouldn't see you after you moved to another school. I didn't expect you to be Mr. Clark's nephew."

Andrew gritted his teeth and looked very pale. Rachel was afraid that his son would make Nelson angry if he continued to speak, so she quickly pulled him aside and said, "I don't expect you to be classmates, so it may be embarrassing for Andrew to call you aunt. Do you mind that, Ms. Lopez?"

Charlotte said, "I won't mind."

Rachel originally just wanted his son to understand that he and Charlotte could never be together again. Now that she has achieved her wish, she won't say anything more. She just tightly pressed Andrew's hand to prevent him to do anything crazy.

Matthew, who had not spoken for a long time, glanced at Charlotte and said, "I've been very busy before and didn't visit you. I hope you won't be angry, Madame."

Matthew was a humorless person. Otherwise, it was impossible for someone else to call a 16-year-old girl like Charlotte "Madame".

Charlotte curved her eyes and smiled at him, "Never mind."

"Alright. Let's eat." Madame Clark said.

Nelson lacked interest and hardly ate anything, and Charlotte didn't eat much either. They just reluctantly accompanied the family to end the meal. Matthew wanted to ask Nelson something. In the Clark family, Nelson was only willing to save his younger brother's face, so he went to the study with Matthew.

Charlotte felt a bit uneasy as she knew that everyone present didn't like her, especially the conceited Ms. Wyatt. As soon as Nelson left, Ms. Wyatt almost said directly to Charlotte, "You, a hateful coquette."

Charlotte sat silently in her seat.

Becca said, "Ms. Lopez, Mr. Clark is not very healthy. Are you tired since you need to take care of him?"

Charlotte thought for a while and felt that she didn't actually spend any time taking care of Nelson. She just pushed his wheelchair and read medical books to him. Instead, Nelson had helped her a lot. So she answered, "It's okay."

Becca smiled ambiguously, "Oh. How dare I compare myself with Ms. Lopez. I've been foolish since I was young, so my family never let me do anything. But Ms. Lopez may have been used to these things of serving people."


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