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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 261

Molly's three brothers all turned their heads towards her at the same time. Molly thought to herself, why was I suddenly feeling nervous?

Chad then said to the two people from the Cedillo family, "Mia and Leo, it's been less than half a year since the last campus violence incident and they've been arrested again. If they mess up one more time, you guys won't be able to bail them out."

In other words, if they screwed up one more time, they were going straight to jail.

Mia felt scared, she whined to her husband, "Honey, I don’t want to go to jail, I’m scared I’ll get bullied by the other inmates and it’ll break your heart."

Everyone in the room looked at her, all with the same question in their minds: who would dare to bully her?

Molly curiously asked, "Mia, how did you know they went to a casino? Chad has tried to find them many times but has failed, yet you managed to locate them and forced them to turn themselves into the police."

Mia leaned against the cell bars, recalling her impressive actions. "Leo said that Ellory and Kyle would gamble if they didn't have money to spend on hookers. They couldn't afford to go to high-end places, so they had to go to those shabby little casinos. Then Leo and I pretended to be salespeople, went around knocking on doors, and finally, we smelled a heavy smell of smoke from one house. We felt something was off, so we went in and found them."

Chad recalled that they also pretended to be salespeople and knocked on doors, but no one opened for them, "What were you guys selling?"

"Credit cards," Mia answered without hesitation. "What do these people need most? Money! I can't sell financial products, so I just loudly advertised at the door. Get a credit card, with a maximum limit of 80,000 dollars, and someone immediately opened the door."

At that moment, Chad truly felt that Mia was clever. Such a simple thing, they didn't think of it at the time.

Not only did Chad think this way, Andre felt the same. Although Mia was not particularly well versed in literature, she understood the weaknesses of human nature better than anyone.

She knew Hansen liked to play, so she often coaxed him with food and toys. She knew he was fond of her, so she would act cute after making mistakes. Each time she messed up, she would speak sweeter than honey. She understood Naomi's personality and Bruce's character. She made everyone in his family fall for her.

She spotted Brian's weaknesses in an instant, which was why she was able to infuriate Brian to the point of spitting blood. Knowing that Ellory and Kyle were scumbags, she directly beat them up, torturing them with physical pain. She knew the weaknesses of gamblers, even doing a great job in sales. This was more effective than police knocking on doors pretending to fix water pipes or gas lines.

At this moment, as Andre looked at Mia, there was an instant when he thought Mia would be very successful in the future.

"Honey, why are you just staring at me without saying anything? You're not going to leave me, are you?" Mia softly asked her husband.

Andre: "If I dare to leave you, wouldn't I be a dead man tomorrow?"

Mia obediently nodded, "If you don’t love me, I’ll kill you."

Everyone present could only feel overwhelmed by the couple's affections for each other.

When Andre saw his beloved wife, a loving smile immediately appeared on his face. “Of course I love you, how could I not?" He stood up and had Chad release his wife.

Once out, Mia's first move was not to run into her husband's arms, but to run into the cage where Ellory and Kyle were held. She pointed at the two people who didn't dare move and loudly scolded, "No one came to bail you two out, right? Gamblers, ew, scumbags. Every time I see you guys, I just want to beat you up. This time I broke your arms, next time I'll break your legs. You guys bullied Naomi, be careful that when you die, there will be no one to bury you."

The two who didn't dare to make a sound could only watch Mia scolding them; they didn't dare to retort.

Her way of fighting was indeed quite fierce, plus, she had the backing of the Cedillo family.

Mia threatened the two men in front of the police chief. If Chad hadn't forgotten he was the police chief, he should have given Mia a lecture.

At this point, Mia's friends had arrived. Molly stood in front of Chad, raised her hands, and covered Chad's ears.


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