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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 373

Hansen knew all too well that he was just engaging in a harmless banter with his daughter-in-law, yet he willingly played along. He was fully aware, but chose to feign ignorance due to the joy it brought him.

Molly's workload suddenly spiked at the office one day. She asked her manager, "Excuse me, I was wondering if you have made a mistake in distributing the tasks?"

The manager responded, "Miss, these are all your tasks. The CEO made it clear that you can't leave until they're all done."

Molly grimaced at the mountain of paperwork before her, feeling as though life had delivered a sucker punch. Her colleagues, however, seemed to have a lighter workload.

To prevent Molly from slacking off, the manager instructed, "The CEO ordered that no one is allowed to help you. Anyone who does will be fired."

This statement deterred any colleagues who might have wanted to lend Molly a hand. Hence, Molly had to work and grumble simultaneously.

The second day at work, she received a pile of tasks, keeping her so busy that she didn't have a chance to touch her phone all morning. She was constantly working on documents on her computer and making offline adjustments.

By lunchtime, Molly had yet to finish her tasks.

The manager called her for lunch, but she gazed at her computer and said, "In a bit, you guys go ahead."

Before she knew it, everyone else had returned from lunch, and Molly was still sifting through documents.

"Molly, why don't you grab a sandwich from the café downstairs?" suggested a colleague. "The cafeteria is probably out of food by now."

Molly glanced at the half-completed stack of paperwork and called her father with a pitiful expression.

Kendrick had just finished an outdoor inspection with his colleagues and was dining at a random restaurant. As they were discussing pollution in the local river, his beloved daughter's call came in.

With a doting smile, Kendrick answered, "Hello, darling?"

"Dad, did you piss off your wife? She's taking it out on your precious daughter." Molly anxiously glanced at the remaining half of her paperwork.

Kendrick chuckled, "I didn't upset your mother. Did you do something to upset her?"

"Impossible, we came to the office together this morning. She was nice to me then, but a while later, she gave me a mountain of work. I've been busy all morning, haven't had lunch, and I still have half of my tasks unfinished."

Molly's voice wavered with bitterness.

Upon hearing this, Kendrick felt a pang of sympathy. "Go have lunch right away. You can still work in the afternoon."

"But the cafeteria is out of food."

Kendrick excused himself from his colleagues and stepped outside. "What do you want to eat? I'll bring it to you."

"Dad, have you eaten?" Molly asked, always caring for her father first.

"I can eat anytime. What do you feel like having, a sandwich or a salad?"

Molly still behaved like a child who craved her father's affection in front of him, but she also deeply loved her father."Dad, you eat first. I was just venting. I'll order takeout."

"Alright, I'll send you some money on PayPal. Order something nice to eat, don't starve yourself."

True to his word, Kendrick transferred $500 to his daughter's account, an amount equivalent to her monthly salary.

After hanging up, Kendrick immediately called his wife, "Coleen, did you know Molly hasn't eaten lunch yet?"

"What? Why hasn't she eaten?"

"She just called me, questioning whether I'd upset you, leading you to pile her with work. Did you give her a lot of tasks today?"


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