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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 422

Andre noticed something amiss. He turned to his wife and asked, “Mia, have you been overworking yourself with the home renovations I asked you to oversee?”

Mia pouted and retorted under her breath, “I’m not that weak.” She then stood up. “I’m stepping out, honey. You listen to the doctor.”

Her thoughts were preoccupied with Molly’s situation today.

Mia left the doctor’s office and went over to the balcony. She looked down at the bustling crowd below. Gradually, the fog in her eyes cleared, and her mind sparked with an epiphany.

When the couple returned home, Mia immediately dashed off to find Molly and Leo. By the time Andre had parked the car and headed to the living room, she was already gone.

Hansen squinted curiously at his son. “Andre, what’s your wife up to this time?” Seeing Mia darting about made him take a laid-back approach.

Andre glanced upstairs. “Let her be. I can’t control her.”

A smile played on his lips. Seeing this, Hansen asked, “What’s the good news?”

In the living room, Andre sat on the couch, showing his father and Naomi the ultrasound image of his baby. Perhaps the joy had got to him. Overwhelmed by seeing his child for the first time, Andre failed to notice the plotting going on upstairs.

Naomi looked at the ultrasound image, and even without uttering a word, the joy was evident on her face.

“How’s Mia doing according to the doctor?” Hansen asked.

Andre replied, “The doctor suggested she sleep on her left side for a while. It’s a minor issue. We can just switch sides in bed.”

Normally, he would have his left arm around her. Now, it was time to give his left arm a break and sleep with his right arm around her.


Leo listened to Mia’s plan. “... Mia, how do you know we’ll run into Tom at the hospital?”

Mia said, “The child in Holly’s belly to Finley is as important as the child in my belly to your uncle. Have you ever seen me go for prenatal checkups without my husband?”

Leo, always needing to have the last word, added, “My uncle goes with you because he loves you. If he didn’t love you, even if you bore him a genius, he wouldn’t give you a second glance.”

Unable to hold back, Mia raised her hand. “Hey, if your uncle didn’t love me, would I be carrying his child?”

Molly interjected, “We’re getting off-topic.”

Mia put her hand down and glared at Leo. “The child in Holly’s belly is Finley’s only child in this world. He’s not young anymore. I don’t know about his past romances, or whether his relationship with Holly is genuine, but I do know that if anything happens to this child, he’ll be without an heir.

“He’s old, so having a child is not easy. He would never let Holly go to the hospital alone. But he’s too old to accompany Holly to the hospital without attracting attention. Plus, with so many acquaintances, it would be awkward to introduce Holly.

“Therefore, he wouldn’t show up at the hospital, but he would send his henchman, Tom.

“The safest way to find Tom is to go to the hospital. Besides, there are three advantages of going to the hospital. First, it minimizes risk. The hospital is crowded and under surveillance, so he’ll have to be cautious. Second, it allows us to respond quickly in case of emergencies. If someone gets hurt, we can get help as soon as possible in the hospital. Third, we get to see Holly!”

After explaining, Mia looked at Molly and Leo. “This is the safest plan I can think of.”


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