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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 463

Mia couldn’t catch a wink of sleep. Resting a hand on her belly, she tried to ease the energetic little baby inside her. “Your dad would never cheat on me. He isn’t the type. Right, son?”

Silence answered her, and each second felt like an eternity.

Just as she was about to call her husband, her phone buzzed with an ad. “What would you do if you discovered your husband was cheating while you were pregnant?”

Being pregnant, Mia’s phone was filled with maternity-related search history. As a result, the algorithms had started to target ads related to pregnancy to boost clicks. But why on earth was it suggesting articles about husbands cheating on their pregnant wives?

Mia’s temper flared.

Ignoring the time or place, she called Andre again. This time, after a few rings, Andre answered, “Hey, why aren’t you asleep yet?”

“Honey, where are you? I’m coming to you right now.”

Andre had just parked his car outside a hotel. He wasn’t about to discuss adult problems in front of a child. “I’m out handling something. You should go to sleep.”

Anya, sitting in the backseat, was covered in ointment. “Are you staying at the hotel tonight or going home, Andre?”

Andre looked back at her. “I’m heading home soon. You just get some rest, Anya. Call me if you need anything.”

Mia, on the other end of the call, was furious. This friend’s child was a girl!

In the middle of the night, he was booking a hotel room for a girl. Shouldn’t she, as his wife, be there with him? Didn’t he realize he should avoid any appearance of impropriety?

Mia, already anxious and dealing with an imbalance of hormones due to her pregnancy, felt her heart pound irregularly. “Honey, which hotel are you at? Who was that just now?”

“I’ll explain when I get home,” Andre replied.

As Anya stepped out of the car, she looked at Andre’s phone. “Bye, Andre. Say hi to your wife and the little baby for me.”

Andre nodded, watching Anya enter the hotel. Just as he was about to continue his conversation with his wife, he saw she had hung up. He chuckled and affectionately muttered, “My little firecracker.”

He was on his way home and would be there shortly to explain things, so he didn’t immediately call her back. Instead, he returned a call from Mr. Calder, who was anxiously awaiting news at home.

“Andre, how’s Anya?” Mr. Calder’s only daughter, Anya, was just eighteen and had insisted on attending Havenbrook University alone. She had just started her first year.

After a stressful orientation week, he received a late-night call from his daughter, who was tearfully telling him she was being bullied. He was in West Meadows, so it would take him the whole night to reach her. Suddenly, he thought of Andre.

So, Andre, who had just finished a shower and was getting ready to cuddle with his wife, received a call from Mr. Calder. “Andre, Anya’s having some trouble at school. I can’t make it right now. Can you help me out?”


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