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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 525

Chad chuckled, "Molly..."

"Don't call me!" Molly snapped, her temper flaring.

And Chad did as he was told; he stopped calling her.

As they neared the Byrne residence, Molly's fear seemed to dissipate, replaced by a crafty little plan that started to take shape in her mind.

Chad, with the occasional glance at his companion, caught the cunning sparkle in Molly's eyes.

He smirked relentlessly, all too familiar with the tiny schemes wiggling in her belly – he could taste every flavor of her little mind games!

Was she planning to bolt from the car as soon as they arrived and play the victim to his parents, claiming he had coerced her?

Having come this far, Chad was resolved not to let her little calculations come to fruition.

The moment the car stopped, Molly was itching to fling the door open.

But Chad unbuckled his seatbelt and lunged across to the passenger seat, pinning her in place.

Startled by his sudden proximity, Molly gasped, "What the—get back to confessing or something."

A devilish grin curled at the edge of Chad's lips as his left hand swiftly pinned Molly's hands, while his right wrapped around her back, pulling her closer. Before Molly could guess his next move, Chad leaned in, his lips finding the soft expanse of her delicate neck.

The moment he touched her, Molly's body erupted in goosebumps, her neck becoming a canvas of hot, moist sensations that sent tingles down her legs.

Damn it, Chad was... was kissing her neck...

He anticipated her struggle, hence the preemptive restraint.

Molly's face was forced upward, her neck a playground for Chad's lips, sucking and nibbling with abandon.

She shook her head furiously to no avail – Chad's kiss only grew bolder, his mouth and tongue leaving a trail of warmth across her skin.

Her cheeks flamed with a blush she'd never known, treated in such a way for the first time. "Chad, let me go!"

She felt electrified, her entire being numb except for the rapid thudding of her heart.

Chad's tongue was unmistakable, the heat on her back turning to sweat.

His lips greedily claimed her pale neck, and when his teeth grazed her tender skin, he soothed the accidental bite with his tongue.

After what seemed an eternity, Chad finally lifted his head from her neck, admiring the cherry-red marks he had planted – his own brand of satisfaction.

But one mark wasn't enough. His lips lingered, finding new territory along her jaw, leaving a bite mark as a testament to their encounter.

Molly, her fists clenched in a mix of anxiety and embarrassment, felt Chad's heat envelop her.

In a surge of impulse, he gripped her shoulders tighter, his final kiss planted fervently at the base of her collarbone, leaving a sound in the air that spoke of both their vulnerabilities.

Her face must be a tomato by now, she thought, unable to look down, forced to meet his kisses head-on.

The heat on her neck reduced her voice to a delicate whimper, her calls to him laced with an unintentional seductive quality.

She had called out "Chad," and the sweetness of her voice only spurred him on.

Finally, when Chad struggled to restrain himself, he pulled away, panting, satisfied with the marks he had left.

Holding Molly close, he gazed into her eyes, his own drifting to her lips, contemplating a deeper kiss. But Molly pursed her lips tightly, denying him further.

Swallowing hard, Chad faced her refusal. "Molly, don't even think about turning the tables. The marks on your neck are evidence enough of what I've said. No one will believe your 'truth.'"


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