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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 538

Molly tiptoed into Naomi's bedroom, her eyes cautiously scanning the cozy space illuminated by the soft glow of a bedside lamp. Naomi, prepping for bed, looked up with a gentle smile.

"Hey, Naomi, can we talk for a sec?" Molly's voice was barely above a whisper, her heart pounding with nervous anticipation.

"Sure, Molly. Pull up a seat on the couch. What's on your mind?" Naomi patted the cushion beside her, the concern in her tone unmistakable.

"It's... well, it's about love and stuff..."

For the next thirty minutes, Molly poured her heart out, explaining her relationship woes with Chad in the most delicate way she could muster.

Earlier that day, Mia, her old college roommate turned confidante, had suggested that now was the time to recruit Naomi as an ally.

"Molly, you might think Naomi is all quiet and reserved, but trust me, she's the matriarch of the Cedillo clan. She's got a say in your love life, way more than I do. Plus, it's better she hears it straight from you – gets you some brownie points. And look, Naomi's got years on us. She's got the wisdom to handle this kinda stuff," Mia had advised, her voice echoing the newfound maturity of motherhood.

Molly sometimes forgot she and Mia were the same age; Mia seemed leagues ahead in the game of life.

"Before you tied the knot, you were just a kid, shielded by mom and dad's love. After marriage, you're an adult, leading your own little tribe. And once you have kids, you're a full-blown parent, the shield against the storm. Different responsibilities, different perspectives," Mia had said, her words ringing with the weight of experience.

The next evening, after spilling her guts to Naomi, Molly hesitantly asked, "So... Naomi, what do I do now?"

Naomi listened intently, her expression controlled despite the shock. "So you've come clean to the Byrne family, but you're tongue-tied when it comes to ours?"

Molly nodded. "I would normally go to mom with this stuff, but... she's not around anymore."

"Oh, sweetheart, that's why you come to me. A sister-in-law's just like a second mom. I'm here for you," Naomi reassured her.

"Does Mia know?"

Molly nodded again.

"Then don't worry, kiddo. I'll have a private chat with Mia tomorrow, and we'll figure this out together," Naomi said thoughtfully, always considering Mia's input.

"And my big brother...?"

"We'll keep it under wraps for now. Trust me."

Molly hugged Naomi tightly. "Thank you so much."

Naomi hugged her back. "Silly girl, it's a tough spot with Chad, but we have to face it head-on. No running away."

"Okay, I get it."

The next morning, with the men off to work, Mia, cradling her baby, joined Naomi in her bedroom. "You heard about Molly's situation?"

Naomi nodded.

"I've been thinking, we should bring Dad into this, let him be the one to break it to Molly," Naomi suggested.

Mia agreed, "I trust your judgment, Naomi."

That afternoon, they coaxed Hansen into the bedroom, Mia even handing her son over to Anya, who was thrilled to babysit.


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