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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 551

\"So, you love playing with fire, huh?\" Jake sneered, carrying a gas can and unscrewing the cap, ready to encircle Vivian in a deadly ring. \"Today, you'll get your fill.\"

The pungent smell was unmistakable. Vivian knew it was real gasoline.

\"Jessica, you do realize this is murder, right?\" she screamed in panic.

Jessica crouched down, a wicked grin on her face as she looked at Vivian, bound and helpless. \"Isn't this your favorite game? Playing with fire and burning yourself up? I'm just helping you continue your little game.\"

Vivian's eyes darted to Jake, who was pouring the gasoline. Her face turned ashen.

Seizing the moment, Emily stepped out of the car with her son in her arms. She approached Vivian, standing in front of her and demanding, \"Why frame Jessica? How did the fire start? Spill it, and we might just spare your life.\"

\"You... who are you?\" Vivian asked, recognizing the woman who had effortlessly beaten her to a pulp moments ago.

\"I'm Andre's wife,\" Emily replied, her eyes steady and unforgiving.

Fear ballooned in Vivian's eyes.

Emily cradled her baby gently, her voice softer but steely. \"I'm a mom now, not as ruthless as I used to be. So I'm willing to give you a way out. Just answer honestly, no tricks. There's no surveillance here, no bystanders. Just the three of us, and if your life ends here today, the cops won't have any evidence to pin it on us, just like your little arson stunt—no evidence.\"

Vivian looked at Emily, sweating despite the chill in the air. Jessica was growing impatient. \"Emily, take the kid and step back. I might not kill her today, but I'll make sure she loses some skin.\"

Emily spoke again, \"Last chance to think it over. We three can handle anything.\"

Caught between a rock and a hard place, Vivian hesitated.

Jake pulled out a lighter, bending down to ignite the gasoline when Vivian blurted out, \"I did it to drive Jessica out of the Byrne family.\"

\"She wasn't even a real Byrne, but she lived with them, and everybody adored her. What's so special about her? She's got no skills and a nasty temper. Why do Uncle and Aunt Byrne like her, and why does Chad dote on her so much? Compared to me, she's not even worthy.\"

The venom in her voice was palpable.

Jessica stared coldly at Vivian, who, having started talking, spilled everything. \"I'm much more capable than she is. Once I get in, the Byrnes will eventually see the difference and realize I'm far superior, transferring their affection to me.\"

But her plan had backfired. No one took her seriously, and the Byrnes watched her like a hawk, especially Coleen, who was paranoid she'd harm Jessica and had servants monitor her every move.

\"Now they're pushing me back into the fire pit,\" Vivian lamented.

\"And what's so great about Jessica? Just because she knows how to play the game of life! She's already got the Cedillos wrapped around her finger, why can't the Byrnes let her be?\"

Jessica stepped forward, unable to contain her rage, and kicked Vivian. \"Let me tell you, my parents don't need a daughter who can cook and clean, my grandparents don't need me to suck up to them, and my Chad doesn't need a scheming groupie. I'm better than you because I'm not as twisted and dirty-minded as you are.\"

\"Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, is that a crime?\" Vivian retorted weakly.

“Yeah? What about the innkeeper who suffered losses, or the people injured by your fire? Is their happiness worthless? You chase after happiness like it's something noble, but you're just a snake in the grass,\" Jessica snapped.

Emily interjected, \"One more thing, how did you start that fire?\"

Vivian clammed up, stubbornly silent, locked in a battle of wills with Jessica.

Emily shook her head and, holding her son, moved back. \"I'll stay out of it. My husband wouldn't want me teaching his son bad habits. Jake, Jessica, remember what I said, no fatal blows.\"

But it didn't take five minutes before Vivian was screaming at the top of her lungs, \"Jessica, I'll kill you!\"

Within ten minutes, she was shouting, \"I bought a second-hand electric scooter...\"


At the police station, Emily reported, \"Vivian told us she took the lithium battery from a scrapped electric scooter. Since it was a junk purchase with no contract, and she lived in a complex area with no surveillance, nobody knew she had the scooter.

She didn't buy the battery from outside; she took it out herself. And afterward, nobody would report a stolen battery because it was from a scrapped vehicle. So even if you check the cameras or interview residents, you'll find nothing. She used the battery from her own purchase, that's why you never caught her.\"

After Emily's statement, Chad frowned in thought.


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