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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 60

The next day.

Mia woke up from bed, stretched comfortably, "Haven't had a good sleep like this in a long time."

She rolled over to her right and tumbled right into the arms of Andre next to her.

She looked at the man in front of her, locking eyes with him. Her eyes blinked. And blinked again.

Andre, "Are your eyes uncomfortable or do you not remember me?"

Mia, "Close your eyes."

Andre was surprised. Hmm? She woke up and saw him without any shock. It seems she had already pictured waking up with him in her mind. The narcissistic man closed his eyes, waiting for the thing he was expecting to happen.

Mia was silent for three seconds. After three seconds, she rolled off the bed and dashed towards the bathroom at the same speed Leo escaped yesterday.

The bathroom door slammed shut and the man on the bed slowly opened his eyes. He had a intense gaze, looking towards the direction of the bathroom with a cunning smile on his face. It turned out she asked him to close his eyes not to give him a morning kiss but to escape.

He chuckled and got out of bed.

The sunlight shone into the bedroom, bringing a touch of morning brightness. The natural light made him see the girl's shyness more clearly. He got up and walked to the bathroom door, "Hurry up and wash up, we are moving early today."

Mia looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was rosy; even her ears were flushed. Red as the rising sun, like a rosy cloud.

She slapped her own face and said to herself in the mirror, "Mia, how could you be dazzled by his good looks! Is being handsome such a big deal! It seems like it really is a big deal."

Ten minutes later, she was still hesitating in the bathroom. She was too embarrassed to face Andre.

Andre knocked on the door, "Are you done? To avoid any accidents, let's leave as soon as you're ready. We are not having breakfast at home. I'll take you to a restaurant."

"Okay, I'm ready."

She turned on the faucet, rinsed her face with cold water, and then opened the door. Andre saw the water droplets on her face, he walked into the bathroom, took out a face towel, and wiped the droplets off her cheeks.

Mia was taken aback, in her heart she was shouting, “This is bad, Andre must have been eaten by a little monster. This person must be an imposter!”

Andre's changes in the last two days were too big; she was caught off guard and couldn't respond. Was this the same man who used to tease her?

Andre looked at her clean little face, satisfied, "You look good this time."

He took Mia by the hand, "Let's go."

As the couple were about to reach the door, Hansen's shout once again halted their steps. "Leo! Get over here!"

Then, it seemed like a shadow moved in front of Mia and Andre, and the shadow hid behind the couple who were about to leave.

Mia was still in a state of shock. Andre's face had already darkened. He, being smart, knew they probably couldn't leave today.

Then Hansen appeared in the living room. He was waving his cane, chasing his grandson, wanting to beat him up. His apparent immobile legs were now unusually active.

Mia saw Hansen coming, and he was preparing to hit Leo behind her. She was worried that she would get hit by accident. So she sought help from her husband, took a few steps closer, and softly said, "Hubby."

That gentle call touched the man's heart once again.

Andre's throat bobbed, and he pulled his wife towards him, protecting her.

Mia loved to watch the drama, and she couldn't stay calm even when she was hiding behind her husband. She grabbed her husband's arm with both hands, and bent her head, revealing only a pair of bright eyes looking to see what was happening.


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