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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 617

Just as Andre realized someone was about to jump into the river, he could have stopped them in a heartbeat. But he didn't.

Mia was puzzled. Why didn't he stop them when it was so easy? But then, Andre always had his own reasons, ones that no one else could guess.

“Mr. Calder was just a distraction,” Andre muttered. “I need to find out who's really behind this!” It was time for a thorough cleanup.

Tom, that slippery guy, even if caught, would never rat out his buddies. Not out of loyalty, but to cause more trouble.

Hearing her father's name, Anya asked anxiously, “Uncle, what happened to Dad?”

“He's fine.”

At the hospital, Anya stayed with Leo for his check-up.

Molly went with Mia to see the pediatrician for the little one.

Outside, Chad spoke softly to Andre, “You're not planning to let him fall into the hands of the police, are you?”

Standing in the hospital corridor, Andre's gaze was icy. “Too official, doesn't satisfy.”

Chad picked up on Andre's anger. “If the cops find him first, I won't tell you where he is... but I hope you get to him first.”

“I will.”

Andre then walked into the exam room, watching his little bundle of joy being poked and prodded by the doctor.

The little guy was lying on the mat, looking at his parents with a pout, on the verge of tears from the discomfort.

“It's alright, no need to fuss, the kid's healthy,” the doctor said, finally putting everyone at ease.

The doctor, clearly smitten with the chubby little fellow, held onto him a bit longer before handing him back reluctantly. “Dress the little guy warmly; those chubby cheeks won't keep him warm,” he joked.

Mia smiled. “We usually do. Today was for a photoshoot, so he's in the studio's clothes.”

The little one looked at Mia, wanting to be in her arms. Mia walked over and scooped up her soft, cuddly son, her heart still racing from the morning's scare.

Realizing what was almost lost, Mia thought, was the most beautiful feeling in the world.

Leo, after getting his leg checked, was also forced by Anya to get a chest X-ray.

Thankfully, sharp-eyed Anya noticed Leo constantly rubbing his chest. The examination showed soft tissue damage, leaving Anya both angry and worried.

“Chad, why didn’t you say anything earlier? It could’ve been a fractured rib!”

When Andre went to see his nephew, he found Leo being scolded by little Anya. He sat there, admitting his fault with a doting tone, “...Sorry, okay? I was wrong, don’t cry, it’s not serious.”

Anya, with tears in her eyes, was touched. “The doctor said it was serious, and you’re not even worried.”

Andre hugged the child, and Anya quickly wiped her tears. The little one, unexpectedly, wanted to cling to his brother. Leo, though willing, was unable due to his own upcoming treatment.

“What happened?” Andre asked.

Leo downplayed it. “When Tom tried to snatch the kid, I held on tight, and he punched me. I thought it was nothing, but it turned out to be a minor injury, nothing serious.”

He had kept quiet, not wanting his aunt and uncle to feel guilty.


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