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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 63

Leo hung his head low, his face etched with disappointment as he left the room.

The newlyweds were left in the room. One of them was buzzing with anticipation for the night, in high spirits. The other was pouting angrily, visibly displeased.

Andre looked at his angry wife and reached over to pinch her face with a smile. “Go unpack your clothes and put them in the closet. We might be staying here for a while. If I get back early, I'll help you unpack. If I'm late, just go to bed and don't wait for me.”

Mia frowned, asking sweetly, “Do I have to go to bed tonight?” Since they didn't have to move, she shouldn’t be threatened anymore.

Andre asked, “Don't you want to sleep with me?”

Mia candidly nodded, “Sleeping with you isn't comfortable.”

“I saw you slept very well last night. I didn't see any discomfort.”

Thinking of last night, Mia’s face flushed red. The hugging and kissing were pretty embarrassing for her.

After instructing his wife, Andre left for his study.

Mia stuck out her tongue at his retreating figure, “I’m not sleeping with you.”

Andre's study was filled with dark colors. The moment you stepped in, you could feel the pressure. You had to lower your voice when talking to the man in the main seat and be careful in everything you do.

Before Andre, no cunning thoughts were allowed. Otherwise, he had more than enough ways to punish you.

“I need an explanation for what Mia said in the room.”

Leo lifted his head and met Andre's gaze. Andre saw the wound on the corner of his mouth and his eyelid twitched. No wonder he kept his head low, he had a wound on his face. And it was caused by his own wife.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. It seemed his wife had a heavy hand. “Explain, as long as the reason is valid, I won't blame you.”

“Andre, I don’t want you guys to move out. If you guys live in the Cedillo Mansion and I’m there, I can protect Mia if you bully her. But if you guys move out, she's at your mercy.”

Andre suppressed his anger, “What have I bullied her with?”

“You were in front of me last night. Mia clearly refused, but you...” Leo felt very embarrassed mentioning last night.

The more he thought about it after leaving last night, the more he felt guilty towards Mia. Andre asked him to leave, and he obediently left, leaving Mia to endure Andre's torment.

He didn’t do right, he should have protected Mia. He made those moves in order to keep Mia and Andre. He didn't expect to get punched again.

Andre emphasized, “Mia and I are a married couple, and whatever happens is normal.”

“My parents’ marriage is normal, you and Mia’s marriage... you guys know the best. To put it bluntly, even compared to me, Mia might not choose you.”

This sentence completely enraged Andre. He slammed the table, causing a loud bang.

Leo took a step back, startled, “Andre, you're so hot-tempered, not even letting me speak the truth.”

Andre questioned, “How are you so confident that Mia would choose you over me? Where do you get this sense of superiority? Do you think your immaturity and your boredom would be accepted by Mia? You think dying your hair blond, getting fake tattoos, and piercings make you cool? Could you be the rich kid of the Cedillo family without me? When I was your age, I was already a company's president, and you're still spending the money I earn... you think she would like you?”


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