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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 633

In the quiet suburbs, the O'Connor family found themselves in an unusual situation. Wesley had been taken away and was now under the strict watch of their most trusted. Despite the turmoil, the family gathered silently in the dining room.

Anya bit her lip, still feeling the sting of Chad's earlier reprimand. She worried about another lecture, especially since she was the only one who knew where the "beehive" was hidden.

“Maybe it’s time for a fresh start, eh?” Hansen suggested, breaking the silence. The events of the day had shocked the entire household, revealing that even Leo, often underestimated, had crucial information that the others missed.

No one responded.

“Mia, darling?” Hansen called out.

“Yes, Dad?” Mia responded sweetly, her innocence belying her formidable strength.

“How long have you been training to throw a punch like that?” Hansen asked, bemused by his daughter-in-law's prowess.

“Not too long, not twenty years yet. Started back in kindergarten,” Mia replied, her eyes twinkling.

Hansen’s voice softened, “Just remember, if anyone in this house upsets you, you tell us. No need to keep it bottled up.”

Mia nodded, “Don’t worry, Dad. I promise I won’t lay a hand on you guys.”

Turning to his daughter, Molly, Hansen asked, “We haven’t seen each other in fifteen years. What have you been up to?”

Molly cleared her throat, “Well, I guess it’s a mix of good parenting, solid genetics, and a lot of hard work.”

Hansen chuckled, “Marrying into the Byrne family, huh? Maybe it’s best you don’t come back too often. We might not have enough room for your achievements.”

Molly swore, “Dad, I could be mad at the world, but never at you.”

“Your real dad might disagree,” Hansen joked.

Then, addressing the youngest, Anya, Hansen inquired, “Why are you always poking around beehives?”

Anya replied with a childlike innocence, “I just wanted to taste the honey before anyone else.”

“Sweetheart, we can afford any honey you want. No need for you to go hunting for beehives,” Hansen said gently.

“I promise, Grandpa,” Anya vowed, her eyes sincere.


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