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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 680

"Got any plans for the future?" Leo finally spoke up about his ambitions for the first time.

To his surprise, Mia and Molly, who usually would have teased him endlessly, paused to seriously consider the feasibility of his newfound interest in cybersecurity.

"This is the first time we're hearing about it," they both admitted.

Leo explained, "I know you two might not know, but my uncle and my aunt's husband are quite knowledgeable about the industry."

A lightbulb went off in Mia's head. "Leo, you've got to be honest with me and Molly. That hacker friend, Anya..."

"Yeah... that's me."

The sisters were in shock!

Unable to hold back, Aunt Jade landed a playful punch on Leo's back. "So, you were making fun of me that day?" She had tried to tease Leo with Anya's admirer, who was also a hacker. No wonder he seemed so unbothered at dinner. It turns out, he was the hacker!

Rubbing his back, Leo glanced at his aunt. "You're married now. Be a bit gentler, will you?"

Mia quickly asked, "Does my husband know it's you?"

Leo nodded impatiently. "He guessed it." He wasn't sure at first, but after buying a car, it became clear his uncle knew everything but chose to keep it under wraps.

"And my Chad?" Molly hurriedly asked.

"He doesn't know yet. Anya helped me keep it a secret."

The sisters were stunned to learn that their childhood playmate was actually a renowned hacker.

Shocked, Molly downed two bottles of hard cider alone.

On the way home, Chad had to stop the car for Molly who, losing all composure, urgently needed a restroom break.

"How much did you drink?"

"Leo didn't let us drink alcohol, so I had two bottles of cider," Molly confessed.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Chad asked, "How did the talk go?"

"We shared our thoughts with Leo. It's up to him now."

"And what exactly does Leo want to do?" Chad prodded further.

Molly remained tight-lipped. "It's Leo's secret. I can't tell you."

Andre also inquired with his wife. "Mia, what's Leo planning?" He genuinely cared for his nephew, reluctant to push him but secretly hoping Leo would follow the path he had laid out for him.

Mia, knowing her friend's secret, struggled. "Honey, maybe we should let Leo tell you himself. But I have an idea."

Andre was puzzled, needing advice from his wife?

Mia whispered into her husband's ear.


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