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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 772

Cooper stood outside the airport, glancing at his watch, waiting for a family of three to leave before the weight of loneliness hit him.

All around him were classmates, friends, and teachers from different countries, with faces unlike his own. He craved the comfort of a home-cooked meal but knew he'd have to drive far to find a place that served it. When he got back to his car, he found out that his brother-in-law had already sorted out all the paperwork for the vehicle.

Cooper started the car and headed back to his quiet studio apartment.

When he opened the door, there was a box of milk on the table.

He frowned, not remembering buying it.

A bag of cereal sat on top of the cupboard. All the alcohol in the fridge had been replaced with water and fruit, and the freezer was stocked with various meats. The fridge was filled with vegetables, nuts, and legumes.

The cupboard was packed with snacks and flour, along with several packs of pasta.

His spaghetti? His beer? His coffee?

On the balcony, someone had enclosed it with glass.

But knowing his love for the view, they hadn’t sealed the glass completely; he could still open it to see the sunset.

His bed was a mess. When he got closer, he found a note: "Your bed was messed up by your precious nephew rolling around. Your sister and I didn’t want to make it, so you’ll have to. I traded the spaghetti and beer at the store. We didn’t fully enclose the balcony because it gets too hot in summer and too cold in winter, and it’s safer this way. Take good care of yourself, maintain a healthy lifestyle. —Sister."

Looking around, Cooper noticed his place was spotless, and his bedside table and desk had new photo frames. One showed his nephew Henry laughing, another had Henry gnawing at his face, and another was a picture of him with his sister. There was also a candid shot of him and his brother-in-law Andre talking, with Andre looking at Cooper with high hopes and Cooper looking back with admiration.

Cooper sat on the edge of his bed, covering his eyes with his hand as they reddened, and rubbed his face.

On the plane, Henry cuddled by the window, gazing at the vast land and sea below, while his parents watched over him tenderly, Andre gently stroking his son’s head.

Henry was easygoing during the day, not crying.

When he got hungry, he’d tug at his dad’s collar.

Mia sorted through photos on her phone of the past few days.

At noon, closing the window, Mia tricked her little one. “Oh, it’s dark already, Henry baby should sleep.”

Henry, sitting on his mom’s lap, looked around as if he really was going to sleep, yawned, and then fell asleep in her arms.

The flight attendant, seeing the well-behaved child, complimented, “Henry is so good on the flight, not crying or fussing at all.”

Mia replied, “You haven’t seen the ‘tiger’ wake up yet. Wait until he’s up, and you’ll hear our little tiger roar.”

The Cedillo family knew the trio was coming home, so they were waiting at the airport early.

After a flight of several hours, they arrived home in the afternoon.

Henry started crying as soon as they exited the airport, shy with his grandfather and refusing to be held.

He insisted on being held by his dad, not letting him drive.

It took a while for Henry to remember his home upon arriving.

Mia told her dad, “I’m leaving my son in your care, okay?”

Hansen retorted, “Why should I?”

“Because both you and your grandson need to adjust to the time zone. And don’t make me reveal how late you stay up. You were still posting on Facebook at 4 am about 'Playing Candy Crush every day.' My husband knows and would scold you. Better behave and take care of Andre’s son to avoid his scolding.”


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