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Sweet Treachery novel Chapter 1

As I walk home

With you tonight

Just like my heart

The moon was bright

The stars like ours

Were twinkling eyes

A match made in heaven

Oh sweet surprise

- Tia Maria.

Milos, breathing heavily, turns and looks at the creature before him. She is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. Visibly tall, about 5ft 7 inches, long, shapely legs, skin as brown as chocolate. Her tattered dress does very little to hide her shapely curves. His gaze travels to her face, and rests on the biggest and brownest eyes he has ever encountered. He registers the look of horror on her face, and her paralysis, caused by fear. He immediately remembers that he is still in his wolf form. He transforms quickly and advances towards her. She whimpers, and crawls backward, with tears in her bloodshot eyes. He takes a closer look at her face, and realization dawns on him. This is the lady in his dream. Although he did not see her face then, he just knows that it is the same woman.

“Please don’t hurt me” she whispers shakily, and this melts Milos’ heart. He would never hurt such an innocent and delicate soul.

“I will never hurt you,” he says.

She still does not relax, despite his reassurance, and she tries to run. He catches up to her and holds her firmly.

He asks for her name.

“My name is Wanda. Please, let me go, I am sorry I came here, they told me it would be fun.”

“Who, Wanda?” Milos asks.

“My friends, Kane and Atticus.” She responds and bursts into tears.

Milo feels his heart wrench, and he tries to pacify her. He is curious about her friends, and what brought them into this notoriously dangerous forest.

“Where are they now? What exactly happened?” he asks.

Amidst tears, she explains the events that brought her to this point.

It happened that her two male friends, Kane and Atticus, read about the Taga Wereforest, and how hiking in this forest was a special experience, and since she loved to hike, she went on the trip with them. They had packed food supplies, a first aid kit, and Atticus had a fully-loaded gun. They arrived at the forest, and they hike at the mouth of the forest, not venturing into the inner parts, as they had earlier agreed. However, the guys got bored and decided to go deeper into the forest, and she disagreed. However, they prevailed, and she had to go with them, as she alone could not stay in the truck they had come with, it was not safe.

She trod slowly and cautiously behind them, saying the rosary as she hiked. All was going well, and they had hiked for almost two hours, when Kane missed a step and fell on a large pile of sharp stones, suffering a deep wound on his leg. He was bleeding profusely, and Wanda quickly dressed his wound. They decided to leave the forest as they could no longer continue the hike.

Little did they know that the wolves had caught a whiff of human blood. And they were coming.

They heard a low, deep growl behind them, and they started to run. However, it was too late, as in a matter of seconds, Kane, the weakest among them, was killed by one of the three wolves. Atticus cocked his gun and shot at all three wolves. His shots were quick and successive. Wanda hid behind him for protection, and he told her to keep going. She had been reluctant to go, but she later succumbed. Atticus kept shooting at the wolves, and this angered them. However, they were not injured, and the bullets fell off their bodies. They circled him and soon, he was ripped apart.

Wanda kept running, as fast as her already weak legs could carry her, adrenaline at its peak.

The gunshots stopped.




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