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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 156

"What!? Little Annie, have you lost your mind! You actually created an opportunity for them!"

Jamie had his coat on and was in the middle of yawning when he immediately became wide awake. H e pointed at Anna's head and scolded her.

"I've never seen you so dumb! That horrible couple already climbed on top of your head and took a dump and yet you still helped them meet up. Do you want them to team up against you?"

Anna laughed as she pushed away Jamie's finger. She sat on the stool by the bar and made fun of Jamie.

"Your business here has been sluggish recently, even the bar is dusty."

"Don't change the subject! Did you knock your head!"

"No, it's just that..." Anna scratched her head and laughed again. "I feel bad seeing those two lovers not being able to be together. After all, we know each other so I help where I can."

"Stop acting like a saint!" Jamie was so angry that he jumped.

Anna covered her ear to hold back Jamie's earpiercing voice. "Isn't it great if Chloe can marry Bryan? Then it would solve my urgent problem." "It's great if Chloe successfully marries into the Dawson family! But I'm worried that they'll think of some schemes to hurt you again! Have you forgotten what happened to your eyes? Have you forgotten the piercing pain?”

Anna’s hand suddenly clenched into a fist. "I'll never forget it.”

"That's why I said you’re dumb for giving them your blessings. Even if you offered up your heart to Chloe, she won't even care!”

Anna rubbed her forehead. "There's no way left for me at this point. Chloe is my only hope!”

Jamie poked at Anna's head a bit. "I don't even know what to say to you."

Nina heard that Anna was at Jamie’s bar and quickly rushed there as well.

Nina started nagging as well at the sight of Anna.

Jamie and Nina took turns saying she had lost her mind. They could not believe that Anna did not take revenge on that couple but instead helped them get together.

Anna could not help but feel a warmth in her heart upon seeing her pair of good friends and giggled.

"As long as Chloe is smart enough to grasp this opportunity and successfully marry into the Dawson family, or even if she doesn’t, I'll be relieved if she ruins my marriage with Bryan.”

Nina suddenly joined Anna's side.

"Anna is right, she can never marry an irredeemable scumbag like Bryan and ruin her life!"

Jamie gritted his teeth furiously. "Don't let me see that b*tchy couple, or else I'm going to tear them to shreds."

Anna laughed as she knocked on the bar counter. "I don't see you serving me a drink when I come here."

Jamie rolled his eyes at Anna. "You still want to drink i n your condition? Drink something else!"

Jamie poured a glass of juice and pushed it to Anna.

"Say Jamie, how did you get your heart broken? Tell u s quick, entertain us." Anna drank a sip of juice and looked at Jamie with a smile.

"What? Jamie got his heart broken? Say what happened, quick! I want to know." Nina placed both her hands against each cheek and her eyes lit up.

Jamie angrily glanced at the both of them and sighed. He stared at the ceiling lights with a sad look on his face and started talking non-stop.

It turned out that Jamie met an exceptionally handsome man on a social networking site for the gay community.

In Jamie's words, "He was extraordinary and seductive beyond words. I could just push him down and pin him under me and make love with him countless times!"

Anna and Nina immediately laughed out loud.

"Jamie, careful not to overwork your kidneys..."

"You? Pinning someone down?" Nina sized up Jamie's skinny body. "Don’t you think it's more likely for someone to pin you down?"

“Get lost! You know nothing, you brat!” Jamie pulled his jacket closer. "My body is still clean, no one dares t o pin me!"

Jamie rolled his eyes again at Anna who was laughing uncontrollably and shouted, "My kidneys are still fine!"

Nina could not help but feel fearful as she looked at the enchanting Jamie.

"Earth is too dangerous, I want to go back to Mars!"


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