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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 164

Anna's press conference was held at the banquet hall o f a luxurious hotel.

The press and media have arrived beforehand, holding all sorts of cameras while awaiting Anna’s arrival.

In the waiting room.

Anna wore a long black dress, she looked frail and especially haggard.

She had foundation makeup on her face and looked pale, her eyes had no light, yet she radiated the elegance and grace she was born with.

"Ms. Anna, two more minutes till the press conference begins, please get ready," said a staff member who pushed open the door.

"Alright, got it."

Anna stood up as she spoke and wore her sunglasses.

Suddenly, her wristband lit up. This time it was a text from Liam.

"Looking forward to your perfect finale."

Anna's lips smirked a little, she grabbed her phone and quickly replied.

"Can you treat me to a meal?"

"Sure, I’ll treat you to one. The meal is you."

There was not a time when this man was not dirty!

You could not count on him to behave like a friend who treated each other normally, it was odd for her to think that they could celebrate wildly after a huge victory.

The staff supported Anna by her arm as they walked t o the banquet hall where the press conference was held.

Cameras flashed non-stop the instant the main door was opened.

Anna's beautiful face carried an unconcealable sadness and was captured by countless cameras.

She walked heavily toward the stage and slowly sat behind the desk.

The reporters could not hold back their gossiping nature, all of them looked at the beautiful woman on stage thinking what sort of breaking news would she b e announcing.

However, judging by her terrible mood it would probably be related to Bryan and Chloe.

Anna stared forward blankly like a soulless husk, it made people feel pitiful for her.

"Thank you, fellow reporters, for joining today's press conference. I would like to announce something.”

Anna paused for a moment and her voice turned deeper and a little choked up.

"I have canceled my marriage with Bryan..."

She lowered her head as she finished speaking, removed her sunglasses, and wiped off the tears from her eyes.

Below the stage, there was an uproar.

"Ms. Anna, did you cancel your marriage because your fiance cheated on you with your stepsister?"

"Ms. Anna and Mr. Bryan canceled their marriage, does it mean that both families have agreed for them t o be together?"

"It was rumored that Ms. Chloe is pregnant, is this true?"

"Is it really Mr. Bryan's child?"

Anna's tears streamed down her face as if someone stabbed the wound in her heart.

"Everyone... Stop asking already, Ms. Chloe is my dearest sister, and Bryan... was once my most beloved.

I hope that they'll get the happiness they deserve."

Anna cried till she could not speak as soon as she finished her words.

The crowd looked at how sad she was and felt sympathetic.

"Ms. Anna's eyes can't see anymore, yet she has to

endure her sister and fiance cheating. What a pity."

Anna continued speaking through the microphone," Actually I'm very thankful to my sister for always taking care of me during my days in the hospital when my eyes were hurt."

"When I got out of the hospital, she continued taking care of me with all her heart... So everyone, please

don't condemn her too much for this. There’s no right o r wrong regarding the matters of the heart."

The crowd began murmuring among themselves.


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