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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 185

Anna did not know about Bryan’s arrival.

She was busy having a video call with Jamie in her room.

Jamie was dressed in all black that day. He appeared a little haggard without makeup on his delicate face.

His hair was also messy and unkempt, making him appear somewhat depressed. He rested his chin on one hand while the other stroked the edge of his wine glass.

Even in that state, Jamie still gave off a peculiar sense of indolent beauty.

Anna's heart ached as she gazed at the screen to see Jamie's lack of his usual spirit. At the same time, she was quite curious about that handsome foreigner.

What kind of person could drain the spirit out of a fighter like Jamie?

"Babe, I’m in a bad mood.” Jamie drank a sip of wine.

"You couldn't win him over?" asked Anna.

"No, I couldn't even find him. It's as if he had vanished into thin air."

"Perhaps he went back to his country?"

"No, to find him, I asked some friends to ask around in airline companies. There was no record of him

entering or leaving at all. I've even asked the customs at railways and highways. All of them claimed that he had never left Johanness City."

Anna stared at him as if he was a freak. "Seriously? Technically, you've only seen him once. You don't even know what he looks like from the back. And yet you're head over heels for him?"

Jamie rolled his eyes at her. "My dear, it's called love a t first sight."

He downed the entire glass of wine. "I trust that it was a sudden burst of passion that led to our encounter."

"That does sound beautiful, but uncertainly holds even more beauty." Anna shrugged. "I think his disappearance is the main cause of your obsessive love."

Jamie shook his head started reciting, "It turns out that all these years, fate had been toying with them. The time has come for their fate to ripen into destiny. Fate drew them together, then pulled them apart, blocking their paths as it held back its laughter. Then, fate stepped aside..."

Anna's jaw dropped as she watched Jamie instantly turn into a serious poet. She reached up and pinched herself.

"Ah... It hurts!" "What’s wrong, dear?"

Anna stared at him blankly. "I thought that I was dreaming. I can't believe you were reciting a poem! It was terrifying!"

Jamie glared at her angrily. "Humph! Shut up! I'm being serious here."

"Hehe, it's especially scary when you’re serious..."

Jamie's piercing gaze made Anna hastily take back what she said. "I was wrong! Your poem is amazing, Jamie. It touched me so deeply. My admiration for you is endless like the ripples on a raging river."

Jamie chuckled merrily. "I'm starting to admire you too, Little Annie. When did a candid girl like you learn to kiss up to others?"

Anna faced the screen and pretended to kiss Jamie." I'm kissing your arse right now! Haha..."

Jamie frowned. "My dear, are you possessed? Why have you suddenly become so unprincipled? What happened to the self-restraint of Ms. Anna Hamilton?"


Anna's laughter stopped abruptly.

An image of Liam teasing her appeared in her mind.

That man could always say such unprincipled things a s if there was nothing wrong with it. He always made her yearn to pounce onto him and take a few bites out of him...

Was she turning into him?

Anna wondered if he thought about her after their dinner together that night.

She knew that he wanted to help her, but in her current situation, and taking their status into account, she genuinely did not want to drag him into this.


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