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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 276

Liam returned to Fitzrovia Hills with Anna in his arms.

She lay in his strong arms, moaning in pain.


"Don't touch me..."

She waved her arms in protest, struggling hard, her arms were closed. She couldn't see the person holding her.

Liam placed her on the bed, held her arms tightly in his, and called out to her, attempting to wake her up.

"You're safe now, it's over!"

"Anna, it's me!"

"Wake up, you’re fine now!"

Anna shook her head furiously, "No, don’t touch me, don't touch me, get off..."

Under the influence of the drugs, she had lost all rational thought, screaming instinctually.

Droplets of tears gathered under her closed eyelids; Liam's heart ached at the sight.

He hugged her tightly, "Don’t worry, it’s all over now! I’m here, I'll protect you."

Anna stopped struggling for a few seconds, grabbed hold of Liam, and climbed onto him.

"I feel so hot... It's so uncomfortable..."

Her breathing was rough and labored, pulling at his clothes.

By now, the effect of the drugs was at its strongest, Anna couldn't withstand the fire burning in her. She moaned in his lap like a kitten.

Liam stiffened, fire burning in his eyes.

Anna’s clothes were soaked through with sweat, she pulled at her own clothes, wanting to release herself of her sticky bindings...

But the more she struggled, the tighter her bindings grew, the hotter the fire in her burned, and the more uncomfortable she felt.

Liam bowed his head and looked at Anna. Lost under the influence of the drugs, her cheeks were flushed red, like a ripened apple, beautiful and alluring. He swallowed and cursed, regretting that he didn’t beat Ryan Sanchez to death.

"How dare he drug my woman with such powerful drugs!" Liam clenched his fists tightly.

"Anna, you’re not yourself now." He released her, rushed to the refrigerator, and took out a bag of ice.

He held the bag of ice against her forehead, the sudden bout of cold gave a shock to her system, waking her up. She widened her eyes forcefully...


She murmured under her breath.

"Is it you?"

This is the first time he heard her calling his name in such a gentle tone, his heart squeezed and he held her tightly in his arms.

"It's fine, you’re safe now, don't worry.”

"Is it really you?" Her bloodshot eyes gazed at him, full of uncertainty.

"Yes, it's me." He nodded furiously.

Anna clung onto him tightly and started crying, "This i s great, it's really you... You came to save me...."

Anna's tears soaked his shirt, and his heart ached in response.

"Stupid woman!" He tightened his grip on her.

"Sobs... I know, I’m so, so stupid..."

She clutched onto him and snuggled her face into his chest, his heart throbbed in his chest.

"It feels so nice to hug you, I feel so safe. Don’t push m e away, let me hold you a little while more."

Liam froze, "...ok."

The heat in her body crashed over her like a wave, overpowering the coolness emanating from the bag of ice. Her juicy lips stretched open and approached his thin, cool lips slowly.

"Can I... kiss you?"

Liam was stunned, this was the first time Anna had taken the initiative in their relationship. He stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, forcing himself to stay rational.


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