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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 313

Liam stood outside Nina's house for a long time, only turning to leave after ensuring the lights were turned o n in her house.

As he walked, his mind drifted to Anna, how she looked when she was angry, and how she tried her best to flatter him. He laughed and shook his head.

Her sincerity and love for her friend were admirable qualities.

But he still felt a little jealous.

Why didn't she care about him as much as she did her friend?

Even if it were only for one day, if he could be the person she cared about the most, that seemed to be a pretty good thing.

He lifted his head and looked at the first rays of sunshine peeking through the clouds.

Suddenly, he found himself looking forward to that day...

Nina returned home and started sobbing her eyes out.

Anna sat beside her, accompanying her friend with a single word, crying along with her.

Anna didn't know about what was said between Nina and Liam, she thought Nina was just crying because of the incident in the club.

"Nina, don't worry. With Mr. Ackman behind you, that man wouldn't dare trouble you anymore."

"Quit your job at the club, and stop going there. I've discussed it with Mr. Ackman. If you have any problems in the future, just talk to him. Even if he won't help you, he won’t just leave you to die."

Anna hugged Nina tightly in her arms, and decided, n o matter what problems her best friend faced in the future, she would share the burden with her.

She already had an agreement tying her to Liam, Nina was nothing compared to the trouble he brought her.

Nina cried for a little while more, sniffed, and said in a soft voice, "Mr. Ackman isn't all-powerful either... I don't want to trouble him. The one he likes is you, he’s only obligated to you alone."

"Who told you he likes me! He doesn't like me!" Anna was reminded of how he denied it every time this issue was brought up and an ache flashed through her heart.

She waved the negative emotions away and continued encouraging Nina.

"He is all-powerful! Even if he isn't, he is in comparison to the two of us!

Just think about today, he just stood there and all our problems were solved! The man didn't even dare let

out a single peep!"

Anna remembered how in all the time she had known him, no matter what problem she faced. No matter how tough the situation became, as long he was there, they were all resolved with a wave of his hand.

That man...

Besides the fact that he didn't like her, he didn't have any other shortcomings, did he?

The perfect man that he is, he must have countless admirers?

But where did his heart actually lie?

"In this world, there’s only one man like him. Anna, you have to appreciate him." Nina wiped her eyes dry and said, her voice thick and raspy with use.

Anna pursed her lips and said nothing.

The only thing that tied them together was an agreement.

There was nothing to appreciate.

But thinking about it, forming an agreement with a man like him seemed to be quite a good idea.

At least she didn't lose out!

But she knew the agreement would come to an end one day.

By then, he wouldn't belong to her anymore.

Or more appropriately, he never belonged to her. He just needed her temporarily.

Then when he didn't need her anymore, who else would he need?

The ache in her heart increased, red rimming her eyes.

"Anna, what's wrong?" Nina could sense the change in Anna's emotions.


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