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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 330

"The girl was too naive. This world was never as simple as it appeared."

Nina continued.

"Everyone wants something equivalent in exchange. They will pay to get what they want."

"Your struggle is useless even though you try hard to keep something. It’s like a thief who has kept something that doesn’t belong to him."

Nina inhaled deeply and looked at Michael. She was smiling, but her eyes were wet.

"Do you know what this is? It can only be described as low-class!"

"Nina, don't say that."

Michael did not understand what Nina was saying, but he could guess her intention.

He never knew a person who could smile as bright as her was forced to do something she did not want.

He could imagine why this happened. Melissa was very sick and both Nina and Melissa were dirt-poor.

Nina was only an undergraduate. No matter how hard she worked and how thrifty she was, she could not afford both her school fees and her mum's medical bill.

It was hard on her as a young teenage girl.

"Nina, I know you are not! This is not low-class. You're not dirty, stop thinking about yourself like that!"

Nina smiled bitterly, "What do you know about me? You know nothing."

"I know, of course, I know!"

Michael held her shoulders again, "Silly, this shouldn't be the reason why you reject me."

"Even though we don't know each other for long, I can see that you are a good person."

Nina smiled bitterly again and said, "Relying on first impressions is not a good way to tell how a person is, D r. Hart."

"You don’t know anything about me, nothing about my past. Just be a good doctor. We are not meant for each other."

Michael could not accept it and said loudly, "From your behaviors, actions, words, and eyes, I know you are a kind soul!"

Nina felt that her heart was torn, "What do all those tell you about me?"

"You have a pair of clear, determined eyes. You are always concerned about your family and friends. All these are enough for me! I don’t care what you did in the past, nothing could affect how I feel about you."

"You are only infatuated temporarily. You don't know what you are saying." Nina still pushed Michael away.

Michael's blazing gaze suddenly became evasive," Don’t think too much about this, but I... because I am a doctor.”

She should understand what he was implying, right?

"Why do doctors know more? Do doctors have X-ray eyes that see through humans?"

Nina did not get his point. He inhaled and continued.

"The first time I saw you. I only treated you as a good friend of Ms. Anna, nothing more than that."

"When I saw you again, you took good care of Anna and even fought with her mother and sister to protect her."

"You stood up for your friend even though you were scolded and bullied. Note that you faced the ladies from an elite group. It's easy for you to get mistreated just because of your identity, but you were not afraid. This shows how loyal and faithful you are to those close to you."

"Back then I already knew you were cute. You always have this pair of dimples when you smile, like small buns that make people want to squeeze them."

Michael started smiling.

"Regardless of how tired you are, you always face everything head-on with a smile."

"The day when you brought your mum to the hospital, you lost all your happiness and energy. You were so

sad that I wanted to hug you tightly."

Michael looked at Nina who was always persevering and optimistic. His eyes were deep with emotion.

"At that moment, I had this thought of taking care of you for the rest of your life."


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