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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 337

It was impossible for Anna to share the same car as Bryan.

She didn’t want to be the source of gossip in town and she desperately wanted to avoid Chloe's inevitable ridicule and sarcastic comments.

She only planned to endure it until the wedding was over, then her duties would be completed and she would no longer have anything left to do with Chloe.

Chloe could enjoy her role as Mrs. Dawson and Anna herself would happily remain as the only Miss Hamilton.

But Bryan clung to her tightly.

"Anna, Chloe is pregnant now, you can also take care o f her in the car! I need to drive so I can’t do it."

His reason sounded logical and plausible, but it also put Anna in a hard spot.

If she said no, that would mean they weren't as close a s what her father portrayed them to be.

A moment ago, her father was just bragging to his guests about how close the two sisters were, that Anna was sad her sister was getting married and leaving her house, he even lied that Anna shed tears over Chloe!

But if she said yes, then rumors would fly in the city that she and Bryan were still involved. Worse, that he was involved with both sisters.

Just as she was considering her options, 'God' once again landed from heaven and saved her.

A blue Lamborghini Phantom stopped in front of their house.

Liam got out, dressed in his usual black suit.

Beneath the rays of the morning sun, his tall and strong figure looked particularly handsome, attracting the stares of everyone present, once again becoming the center of attention.

Without waiting for Anna to walk towards him, she raised her skirts and rushed over to his side.

"I'll take Mr. Ackman's car, we have some work matters to discuss."

Anna ignored the looks of shock on the guests' faces and entered the car without thinking.

The situation didn't allow her room to hesitate.

Some of them were already whispering behind their hands, speculating as to the nature of their relationship. She didn't care, they could speculate all they want.

Under Liam's tutelage, she had learned not to care about the gap between their seniority and the unimportant views of outsiders.

As long as she could shake off Bryan and Chloe, she was willing to enter the pirate ship that was Liam's car.

Liam turned and looked at Anna who was sitting calmly in the car and his lips curved into a slight smile.

His smile made Anna shiver unpleasantly.

She knew he was hiding something behind that smile of his.

But she had no choice now!

She had already entered his car. If she got out now, the atmosphere would only get more awkward.

With Liam there, no one dared say anything to his face but rushed to greet him politely.

Bryan's complexion was purple with rage, but still he forced a smile onto his face and addressed him respectfully, "Uncle, you're here! I'm here to pick up Chloe, sorry to bother you Uncle...”

Before he could finish his sentence, Liam had already entered the car without a single glance backward, completely ignoring Bryan, humiliating him in front o f all their guests.

Bryan felt like his face was burning, but he forced his lips to remain curved in a smile and said to the guests, "Please, head on to the hotel everyone. The wedding ceremony is starting soon!” He hopped into the car himself too, and slowly drove away.

Liam started the ignition and floored the accelerator.

The car sped away at lighting speed, overtaking Bryan in no time.

Bryan felt anger rising in his chest. His hands tightened around the steering wheel, but there was nothing else he could do except suppress the rising flames.

"Bryan, ours is the wedding car, it has to lead the procession. How can another one overtake us?"

Chloe was displeased.


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