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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 376

Anna let out a loud cry, causing Liam to completely panic.

He hurriedly grabbed a tissue and kept wiping her tears.

"If you're not pregnant, it doesn't matter. Why are you crying? I just saw that your appetite is not good and you are getting thinner lately, so I am a little worried about you."

He actually said he was worried about her!

Anna should have been feeling happy, but now she couldn't be happy, and her tears fell even more furiously.

She still felt that his tenderness and consideration for her was only based on the suspicion that she was pregnant.

This situation always makes a woman feel a little sad.

After all, he had no feelings for her before!

Especially now that he had suddenly become so gentle and meticulous, it made her feel all so trancelike, as if she was in a fantasy world.

And she is now like a poor beggar who is begging for his sympathy so humbly and so shamelessly.

She was a little afraid to look at him, even afraid of his look, and felt that she would not be able to bear it, and eventually drowned in his deep eyes.

She pulled a handful of tissues and kept wiping her tears.

"People are a complex and incomprehensible animal, always so contradictory, wandering and hesitant, unable to see the direction."

"I am like that, what about you? Does this happen to you too?"

Liam didn't say anything.

When she saw that he wouldn't answer, she dropped the tissue in her hand, picked up the milk in front of her and took a big gulp of it.

Liam looked at her as if she hadn't eaten in a long time, constantly stuffing her mouth, her cheeks puffing out, as if she were a hungry bunny, and he smiled in amusement.

"That's good. Eat more."

He took another crystal bun and put it on the plate in front of her.

Anna couldn't eat any more and suddenly rushed into the bathroom and vomited up all the food she had eaten.

Liam stood at the door of the restroom, looking at her i n amazement, looking at her as if she was about to

vomit out all her bile, a little dumbfounded.

Does she still deny that she is pregnant with this look?

Liam hurriedly brought a glass of water, handed it to Anna, told her to rinse her mouth, and then kept rubbing her back.

"You should eat some more, to replenish what you have thrown up."

Anna rinsed her mouth feebly and shook her head.

"I'm finally much more comfortable. Next time I'll never take Wilson's car again, he's really getting back at me."

When she got out of Wilson's car yesterday, she felt sick to her stomach, but she couldn't throw up.

Now that she had finally vomited, she felt relieved and much more relaxed.

Liam was very distressed when he saw Anna's face was white from vomiting.

When he saw that Anna had recovered a bit, he took her to the dining room again and pressed her down on a dining chair.

Liam put a drawer of buns and placed it in front of Anna.

"Eat!" He ordered.

Anna pursed her lips, a little embarrassed, but under Liam's commanding eyes, she had to silently pick up a small bun and put it in her mouth.

"You haven't eaten yet, so I can't be the one to eat it all, right? I'm really full, you can eat the rest."

Anna pushed the rest of the buns to Liam's face.

Liam saw that she really couldn't eat anymore, so he had to give up.

He picked up a tissue and wiped her lips carefully, looking at her with a bit of doting in his gaze.

"If you are really uncomfortable, go lie down for a while. When you're fine, tell me what you want to eat."

Anna nodded silently.

Probably because she had slept too late last night, she was really sleepy now.

Anna had just taken two steps when she suddenly turned white, covered her mouth with both hands, and rushed to the bathroom.

Anna vomited and vomited again.

When she felt that her stomach was empty, the first thing she did was to turn on the tap and rinse her mouth.

Liam handed her a towel and looked at her with worry and distress.

"Let’s give up the baby. It's too painful." Liam said.

Anna's eyes quivered and she shook her head feebly.


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