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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 44

Anna and Bryan had just arrived at the cinema when Anna's cell phone started to ring. It was an unknown number. Anna answered it warily.


"Hello, I'm the new director of the University of Johannes. I'm calling you to inform you that you need t o come here right now to attend the meeting on the fifth floor of the main building at the university.

Anna was stunned. This voice sounded a little familiar but she could not place the voice right at that moment.

"What meeting is this? Is it really urgent?"

After all, it was already 10 p.m. Did she really have to g o to school at this time at night for a meeting? It was a joke right?

She heard the person on the other side of the phone started to get angry, "Get over here right now!"

Bryan saw Anna's frowning face and asked, "What's wrong, Anna? Has something happened?"

Anna was deep in thought. It did not matter what type of meeting it was, it was a good excuse to ditch Bryan. Her mood improved leaps and bounds at the opportunity.

She smiled apologetically and responded, "I'm sorry,

Bryan. There’s an important meeting at the university that I've just been told that I'll need to attend. I'm afraid that I won't be able to watch a movie with you."

"A meeting at the university? It won't matter if you don't go, right?”

"You know that I'm about to graduate, these things are extremely tricky and I’ll need to be there in person."

"But it's already 10 p.m ! Why would the university choose to have a meeting this late at night?"

Anna rushed to explain, "I heard that there's a new director at the university. I think something urgent must have happened."

Bryan looked extremely disappointed. He tried to keep his emotions in check and said softly, "Okay then. I’ll drop you there."

Bryan turned the car around. However, they had not arrived at the university yet when Anna’s phone rang again. She glanced at the number on the screen. It was the name number as before! She quickly answered the phone.

"Hello? Is everything okay?"

"No, I'm not okay." A deep, husky male voice rang out from her phone,

"Huh?" Anna was stunned. She stared at her phone curiously to see if the number was the same one as before.

At that moment, the voice on the phone spoke, "What’s wrong? I’ve just helped you. How can you forget about me so quickly?”


Anna's brain started to kick into action. 'This was extremely suspicious. Even though the voice was a little familiar, wasn't this the university director's voice? Why did it sound like another boss’s voice?' wondered Anna.

"Haha, how can you not know me after you've bitten m e just now? Turns out you're truly a wicked little rabbit!”

Liam Ackman!

It was him!!!

This fellow somehow got her cell phone number. Why could she not shake off his haunting presence!?

Anna raised her gaze to look at Bryan who was next to her and lowered the volume of her cell phone. She whispered, "What do you want?”

"Oh, you're so cold. You’re much more passionate in bed!"


Anna gritted her teeth tightly and said, "Goodbye!"

"Woman! Don’t you dare hang up!" 'Haha,' thought Anna as she hung up and immediately switched off her cell phone.

When she thought about Liam over the phone, she was so angry that all the blood shot to her face. Anna could not stop her lips from curving upwards as she gently chuckled.

"Anna, who was that? Why are you so happy now?" asked Bryan as he continued to drive.

Anna was caught off-guard by his question. Was she happy? She immediately felt a little frustrated. She did not like these uncontrollable emotions revealed on her face. Especially those that were relating to that perverted 'uncle'!

She quickly rearranged her face and replied, "Nothing. It was just a call from the university. My internship has been arranged."


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